Friday, 7 September 2018

Day 5 - 250 -- A Colleague Departs

The sun shone in a lovely blue sky all day today. The sunshine helped to warm me as I walked in the cooler air from a cold front visiting for several days. The morning involved a welcome event for returning students that brought some wonderful conversations with students. Hearing of their summer jobs and course plans for this year always brings a sense of happiness to me. I love to see them in this 'excited to be back' place -- something we all have to draw upon when things get overly hectic later in the year. <smile>

After some work reading, I headed out to the first of two memorial services this weekend -- today and tomorrow. Each of these were retired faculty that played a role in my early years on campus. The man we honoured today in a full dress academic procession, would walk to work each day. In my first year, we would often encounter each other as we began the climb up 56 stairs on the hill onto campus. The last longer conversation we had was a year ago at a student award ceremony. He spoke of his love of teaching and of sailing. He excelled in each of these passions. The ceremony followed a nautical theme with readings and music. He had a gentle spirit and approach to the world. Thinking of him always makes me smile. I wish his family the peace that comes with this gift.

A sailing song seemed appropriate to share today. There are many, but the lyrics of one kept coming to the fore. Enjoy!

Come Sail Away -- Styx

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