Friday, 21 September 2018

Day 5 - 262 -- Hurry Up and Wait

The day consisted of running back and forth from one location to another and back again. Each place involved waiting and in one case, waiting and waiting and waiting. While the reasons for waiting made perfect sense and occurred when situations beyond control presented themselves, it did add to anxiety levels. In the end, all events were completed well, just not on time -- that old foe raising its head again <smile>.

Things may not go according to planned schedules -- that is a fact. Getting frustrated when timing is extended is understandable, but if the issue is unavoidable, frustration seems an overstatement. After a momentary stress, we can alter other timed events based on the one that will take longer -- accepting that rate limiting step. It may not be ideal, but in most cases all things are completed -- the goal was reached.

One song says it all. Enjoy!

I'm in a Hurry (and I don't know why) -- Alabama

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