Saturday, 15 September 2018

Day 5 - 258 -- Food Supply Change

PHOs -- not pho the Vietnamese noodle soup -- PHO the partially hydrogenated oils. Today PHOs became listed as adulterants to foods in the Canadian Food and Drugs Act. Partial hydrogenation of oils makes them more solid which can add to the shelf-life of processed products. These contain industrially produced trans fats, substances that greatly increase risk of heart disease -- much more than other types of fats. This regulation will ensure industrially produced trans fats no longer are found in the food supply. A one year lead in time allowed industries to prepare and reformulate recipes. To be honest, many products have been reformulated quietly over the past several years.

This regulation occurred 12 years after the Trans Fat Task Force submitted their final report to the House of Commons and  Minister of Health, a report that recommended regulations. In June of this year, the US Food and Drug Administration banned PHOs. Denmark limited the amount of industrial trans fats 15 years ago and have seen a reduction in cardiovascular disease in the country.  As a member of the Canadian task force, I celebrate this day. What greater birthday gift could there be than something that has the potential to improve the health of all Canadians?

Songs for this are a bit sparse, but one was found. The lyrics note that a healthy oil could become unhealthy through partial hydrogenation. Enjoy!

NOTE: Ignore the first few seconds of the 'lecture' and tune into the song.

Trans Fats: Good Fats Gone Bad -- Dan Barnett

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