Time at the office was also cold with the air-conditioned air making things cooler than usual today. I wore an extra layer in the office since reading and typing did not produce much body heat. <smile> Several planned discussions will occur later this week due to scheduling difficulties. On the other hand, plans for other meetings were finalized. I spent time organizing ideas for a short writing project, but still have much more to add to the content. Seeing colleagues busy with course work felt odd. It brought something akin to guilt since my situation might be seen as less onerous. I believe my current transitional state might appear less than it is from the outside. The struggle to find a schedule for research projects and retirement plans brings a sense of fear and discomfort -- each of which adds to stress and (in)ability to move forward. A positive attitude surfaces often, so there will be foward movement with time.
Pondering transitions all around me today reminded me of friends back in Saskatchewan who are in the midst of harvest. A set of song lyrics present wonderful images of this time of year, though wheat, canola, flax and legumes comprise the main harvest items around home. I miss seeing the combines running all day and night with meals delivered to the field. Enjoy!
Harvest Time -- Luke Bryan
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