Monday, 17 September 2018

Day 5 - 260 -- Stress Visits

Sleep was disrupted often last night -- anxiety getting the best of my rest time. It did not affect my activity at the office much. The many tasks were nearly completed today. Still lots to finish before end of day tomorrow. Others in the building appeared stressed with major work to complete for classes and labs, so I'm not alone in the feeling, mine just comes from outside the classroom.

During the day, I found myself experiencing stress in a negative way -- feeling overwhelmed -- which affected my focus and ability to move through the tasks one at a time instead of jumping from one to the next and back again. When stopping to check in with myself, my head has some indications of pain. I hope this is related to tension and not the beginning of a migraine. We will see what transpires tomorrow. I'm not fully convinced, but I may be clenching my jaw at a weird angle when sleeping. This can affect neck, head and face pain. That needs further examination to determine the cause and treatment.

One song seemed most appropriate for today. The keyboards sound like my head often feels <smile>. It does sound stressful along with the bass guitar beat and the lyrics say a lot, too. Enjoy!

Pressure -- Billy Joel

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