Tuesday, 3 May 2022

9-122 (2/5/22) -- A Heavy Day

Clearing through things for recycling week again. Lots of magazines and such that were squirreled away in different places have made their way to the curb tonight. Ten bags. Nine trips to the curb. I didn't want to over-stress the arms, so carried the heavier bags one at a time carried close to centre of body. That was a bit tiring, even doing it at two times with five bags each time. There are still enough magazines to make another three or four bags for the next recycling pick up. Who knew that these publications find ways to hide in corners and on shelves. Maybe that is my clutter blindness coming into play, too. I also took time to clean and reorganize the linen closet. I'd been looking for one item and couldn't find it the other day. It now rests in the space it should have been. <smile> The space looks neater and I found a few items that will find other homes. 

During the day, I heard encouraging words from two acquaintances -- unexpectedly. Along with the sunshine, it helped me feel a bit more positive today. When out for my early evening walk, I stopped to chat with a local poet who I see on the street often. We had a good talk about needing to find a muse for writing. Writing has inspirational ups and downs. Some ideas just have to be set aside for another time when they become too challenging to continue. Writing when angry or frustrated leads to a less than wonderful product. If not happy with the outcome, sharing the writing with others won't happen. We left the discussion on an up note mentioning topics that might work for another project -- Small points rather than a definitive opus on a topic since these might be easier to accomplish. <smile> So, a third conversation of encouragement -- for and from me this time. <smile> 

Dealing with the recycling today involved weight lifting -- no need to join a gym <smile>. The conversations with others helped me to relax a bit so they helped me deal with an emotional load. Only one song came to my mind as I was thinking through this blog post. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Weight -- The Band

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