Sunday, 15 May 2022

9-130 (10/5/22) -- The 3 or 4 R's

Today was another sunny day without a cloud in the blue sky. Temperatures were warmer, but the east wind cooled things when walking. I went for a wonderful walk in mid-afternoon. The forecast suggests that we'll have clouds and some rain tomorrow, so the walk may be different. <smile> 

I spent much of the day clearing out some other corners of the house. Perhaps this is a benefit of the open concept floor plans that seem to be all the rage at present -- nowhere to hide stuff. <grin> I moved some stored kitchen items to the donation boxes. That pick up is this next weekend. I spent part of the evening, sitting and clearing through household files. I should do this annually, but it has been longer than that so there is much to shred. The shredding then goes to the curb on recycling day or will be used to pack some of the things for donation. Recycle and Reuse. <smile>  

It feels positive to let go of some of these things. There have been a few items that I will hold onto for now. It just isn't their time. <smile> There will be some things that are more difficult to donate that I would like to judiciously edit. I will need to find a place that will take them. Luckily, they occupy a small space, so will wait while I work on the things that can be readily given away, recycled or discarded. A local group that supports the library will take book donations at the end of the this month for their annual book sale. Anyone who knows me understands that there are more books than book shelves in my home. <smile> Many can be moved to new homes and others  are closer friends that will need to stay with me. 

I thought of how lucky I am to live where recycling is required. That ensures that everything doesn't just go to landfill. We have transparent bags only, so it is difficult to 'hide' things. The song shared today deals with the environment and why reduce, reuse, and recycle -- and refuse, which is less well used -- are so important. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Save Me Now -- Jeff Lynne

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