Tuesday, 17 May 2022

9-137 (17/5/22) -- Wash It All Away

Showers from light to heavy filled much of the day. The rain moved along by late afternoon. I had a phone appointment this afternoon that made me smile. Much of the day I worked through next steps in the clearing adventure. I also pondered feelings from the process thus far. 

A social media post got me thinking (a quote attributed to Iain Thomas). I altered its main points to fit my thoughts today. Recently each day I wake and am dragged by the hand by Anxiety while it simultaneously screams into my face -- pointing to everything we pass telling me each thing we pass is important. My job each day is to centre myself, pull back my hand, point to my heart and say, " No. This is important. I am important." 

Media and social media can trigger negative emotions and feed Anxiety. Keeping it at bay can be easier when we avoid over-use of any form of media fomenting fear and anger. This task is far from easy to accomplish since we are surrounded by such messaging. I've been avoiding even the scrolling headlines once every day or two. I scroll through social media posts and often hide posts that could be triggering. It helps to look only at Notifications rather than the full message feed. To take care of me, I do several other things. Walking often works well -- that endorphin release can make me feel a bit more up. Listening to music helps, too. Cooking or baking provide a creative outlet -- as does this blog -- that gets my fore-brain in a dominant position over the limbic system. Sitting with a purring cat brings amazing relaxation. There are many things that one can do for self care. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, move on to something else. 

The rain fit perfectly with my thinking today. It helped me to wash away some of the negatives of the past few days when sorting pushed the past up into my face rather abruptly. I chose a song with lyrics that note rain washing things away and letting go of the past. I enjoy the original, but will share a favourite cover of the song. Keep safe. Enjoy!

The Sad Cafe -- Lorrie Morgan

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