Sunday, 15 May 2022

9-135 (15/5/22) -- Child to Adult

I spent more time with boxes today and then took time to address the backlog of blogs that haven't been posted. Partly cloudy outside made it less warm inside, but still humid -- not overly so, but enough that my hands feel wet while typing <smile>. 

Today's boxes involved finding something that I was sure had been left behind in a past move. I had others helping with packing boxes for that move. I had labeled boxes from the previous move -- it was a type of inventory control system. My helpers had ignored the labels and put things into any box close at hand. Today I discovered that a box marked as one thing had not been renamed and in the middle of the box of unrelated items were two bowls that belonged to my grandmother. I cried happy tears at this discovery. <smile> Other items from childhood were found. I kept a couple of small things, discarded some larger items, and found many things that will work for donations. It is heartening to see some empty boxes and space on the shelves. The number of recycling and garbage bags grows daily. It will be a major workout each week to carry it all the 100 feet to the curb. So, the process helps my health -- physical and mental. <smile>  

The coming days will have me looking through more boxes that test my emotions -- things from childhood and the homes of my parents, grandparents and a close family friend. It needs to be done. Carrying the packed boxes from place to place makes little sense. I've been surprised at what I moved with me from Saskatchewan over 20 years ago. It is time to move some of it to a new home. I see things from a very different perspective now. Some items were charged with emotions years back and time has tempered those feelings, which allows me to let them move elsewhere. I've found the sorting process helped me to recognize how I've grown over the years. I'm in a very different place than I was years ago. While I do have many items from past generations, some of the smaller items carry less importance to me now. I smile wistfully for some things, but see them as useful to someone else or not useful. I see that as emotional growth. 

I chose a song about growth. The lyrics fit the non-conformist part of me <smile> and fit my thoughts on maturing over the years. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Growin' Up -- Bruce Springsteen

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