Monday, 2 May 2022

9-121 (1/5/22) -- Sharing

A social media post from a good friend got me thinking today. He noted that often people around us choose to love us even we don't love ourselves. What a profound thought to ponder. There are times when we struggle with an internal war about our action vs. inaction.  We pile on responsibility for situations far outside our ability to control.  In these moments, we may feel like failures for not foreseeing changes in the world around us. We are not clairvoyant or omniscient, so why do we bury ourselves in blame?  Asking for help in such situations can help reduce negativity, but asking isn't easy to do. I've been asked how i would respond to a friend who asked for assistance in situations similar to where I might find myself. My response is that I would listen and ask what I can do to help. Asking for assistance doesn't mean we expect someone else to swoop in and fix everything <smile>. What we need most is just to have someone to listen to the problem and our potential solutions. 

I found the shared ideas very insightful. The concepts of sharing our thoughts and sharing social support with others meshed well. Along with the shared  thought, my friend shared a song -- one that speaks well to my ponderings. So, in effect, my work was done for me today <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Love Me When I Don't -- Pentatonix

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