Tuesday, 17 May 2022

9-136 (16/5/22) -- Hiding?

Today was cloudy but no rain fell from some of the menacing clouds. The cloud cover last night obscured viewing of the full moon and  eclipse. Rain is expected tomorrow so it will be another mainly inside day. 

My day involved more sorting and packing for the next charity pick up date in June. I have 10 boxes (of all sizes) ready to go for that day. Tonight the recycling went to the curb. I put out 15 bags! The magazine pile is dwindling but very slowly. I can't carry huge numbers in a bag so have to put out more bags to make it manageable. There are lots of periodicals left to head to the curb, but those will wait for the next waste pick up date in two weeks -- then the next two weeks and so on and so on ...

I have been pondering how easy it is to squirrel things away in corners and ignore or even forget about them. This may be another aspect of my avoidance behaviours <smile>. In some ways it reminds of a wish to hide. If I ignore things they aren't real -- or some such silliness. I'm working on it. I've read that clutter blindness has a genetic component as well as an experiential aspect. I grew up with degrees of clutter with some of my family members, so come by it honestly on both of the potential causes -- nature and nurture. To address the clearing process requires one to be somewhat dispassionate. Finding that zone can be difficult. It needs one to find a place to hide from or to hide the emotions. Or maybe it is giving oneself the permission to let things go. Likely, a combination of the two makes things work. I found it today. The downside was when I finally paused, it was 4:30 PM and I hadn't eaten lunch yet. I didn't even feel hungry -- anxiety at work there, I guess. A lot was accomplished, though, and I ate supper and had lunch closer to 10 PM -- so covered nutritionally. <grin> 

Lyrics that came to mind today deal with my feelings of being bounced around emotionally from the contents of boxes. One of my favourite lines notes that an earthquake could help someone hide in an opening in the earth. It has been a day. Listen to the backup singers -- Mike Nesmith and Micky Dolenz contributed to this one. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Milkshake -- Peter Tork

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