I enjoyed the sunny morning after a cooler overnight. I like this time of year with warm (not hot) days and cool nights -- no interruptions to sleeping and indoor and outdoor activity. Rhododendrons are in bloom -- gorgeous bushes of magenta blossoms around the neighbourhood. Maple trees are blooming while leaf buds are close to opening. The plum tree in the yard is in bloom. And ... dandelion season is upon us. The whole town and county becomes bright yellow -- not my favourite colour, but the flowers are wonderful for the bees. This yellow carpet lasts a solid two weeks or so and then most plants subside.
Admiring nature today made me focus on the external --not just boxes but the beauty all around. It helped me to breathe and relax. With all its ugliness, the world does provide beauty that is often overlooked as we focus on the negativity swirling around us. Focusing on the beauty of nature helps to move the negative thoughts aside, like opening curtains on a bright sunny day. It won't eliminate the negatives, but it will help us to see the positives more clearly.
I chose a song that focuses on the wonders of the world around us. It seemed to fit my pondering well today.the version shared is different from the version heard most often -- just to mix things up. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!
What a Wonderful World -- The Ramones
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