Saturday, 28 May 2022

9-147 (27/5/22) -- Growing Community

As forecast, it rained overnight and into the early morning. This turned to a light drizzle until late afternoon. The day felt cooler than forecasts had suggested. This isn't a complaint, since humidity is not my favourite part of warmer weather. 

The major outing -- and physical exercise -- for the day involved taking books to a library book sale. I was invited to come to the sale tomorrow and I had to say that I might not refill the shelves and closets that I just cleared up so quickly <smile>. Books are sold by an volunteer group that serves as a fund raiser for the town library. Books are sold by the bag and there were oodles when I was there just after noon. They were accepting donations until the late afternoon, so they will be swimming in books if the morning haul was similar to the afternoon drop offs. A very helpful gentleman found empty boxes for me to leave the books in my six large shopping bags. I took three trips into the library -- two large bags each time. I chose not to over-stress my arms and back <smile>. 

Our library complex is called the People's Place. It serves as a gathering place with several meeting rooms available for reservations. A youth-focused area is busy during the after school hours and throughout the summer months. Several public access computers are available for those who don't have wifi at home. There are quiet desk areas   The larger education room holds many events such as local author book launches, 55+ Lunch and Learn, travelogue presentations and so much more. Art works from local artists were commissioned. Some hang on the walls and sculptures adorn the terrace around the building. Along the walkways outside a garden has been planted. There are some great flowering plants -- two wonderful small magnolias, but the highlight for me is the edible garden that grows strawberries, chard, and many other vegetable plants. These are for anyone who would like them. I loved the plan to address food security in this way. So the place is way more than books and is so inviting. This past winter, they printed my vaccine record and even laminated it for me. <smile> It truly lives up to its name -- a place for all people to meet. 

The song chosen today fits the physical and metaphorical gardens present at our town library. Many artists have covered this song. I chose one of those encountered when searching for a link today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Garden Song -- John Denver

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