Monday, 30 May 2022

9-150 (30/5/22) -- Heavy Thoughts

The day began cloudy with some sunny breaks by mid-afternoon. It poured just after lunch and rained again around supper time. The latter involved rain while the sun shone. I was moving recycling bags to the porch and drove the car closer to the house. The drops were few but rather large so my t-shirt was a bit damp when I came inside. After supper, I put the bags from the porch into the car and backed it out to the curb. There were 16 bags, most of which contained magazines so were heavy. As I'd moved the bags to the porch, bag #13 split open spilling about half of the contents onto the wet porch. I got a new bag and madly shoved everything into the new bag. The bag number was not lost on my superstitious self. I only hope that no other bags break open when the collector comes by in the morning. I'd hate to have to sit out on the curb and pick up bits of paper and magazines <sigh>. 

By the time I get the last of the magazines out of the house, I should have the best upper arms around. <smile> Dead-lifting 12-15 pounds works, but doing it 16 times and walking with the bags feels like too much. Tor that reason, I've resorted to driving them down the extra long driveway. I still have to heft and transport them from the house -- often up the stairs from the basement -- and then from porch to car and from car to curb. It is a lot, but when paced correctly and breathing is done well, it is a big workout. 

I felt tired after schlepping it all out to the curb tonight, but not as tired as I'd expected. I giggled when I realized that I'd used a lyric line to describe to myself what I'd expected -- "feeling 'bout half past dead" and then I laughed out loud since the title of that song fit the whole effort so very well. The version shared here is different than ones used in past blogs. I like the unique grouping of individuals involved in singing. There is a great organ solo and a fantastic mandolin playing throughout. The link provided does have a few moments when video is slightly out of sync with audio and one spot where the audio failed to pick up the subtleties of a duet section, but just having this collection of artist together seemed to make up for technical recording shortcomings. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Weight -- Levon Helm with James Taylor, Steve Winwood, Sheryl Crow, Jacob Dylan, & Emmylou Harris


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