Thursday, 6 July 2023

10-184 (3/7/23) -- Alone Together?

Wow! I need to get out of the kitchen <smile>. I've been packing here for what seems like eternity. I plan to pack elsewhere tomorrow to see if that helps a bit. So many things are needed in the kitchen, that I may not pack much of the remaining items until the weekend. 

I made a grand outing today to fetch more packing tape and got the last package of two from the store. Others must be moving around now, too. I feel for them, though I'm not sure that being one of a number of people going through this particular challenge helps me feel any less stressed. Perhaps if the others were not unknown, it would allow us to commiserate and share tips and ideas of how to develop a grand plan. That might help. Supportive messages with each other would help, too. 

These thoughts brought back the talk of being alone together around the great isolation. It reminded me of a song that still makes me smile with its phrasing and the group joining through a virtual platform. My pondering has made me feel that my current packing predicament feels much like the isolation of recent years. The lyrics remind me of the need for patience and a sense of humour. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Gotta be Patient -- Michael Buble, The Barenaked Ladies & Sofia Reyes

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