Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Day 5 - 310 -- Finding Peace

Today brought warmth and some sunshine -- one of the last ones before the next season change, I guess. Far more cooler days are in the offing based on time of year and the forecasts. I enjoyed the sun while it was here. In the office for a short bit today to do a couple of things -- only one got done before I chose to move on to other things for this day. Finding silly barriers in the way of forward movement made me just shake my head. Why some responses to easy questions and request seem to be overblown in their negativity is just more than I want to deal with. A short discussion with someone else helped suggest an alternate solution to the problem. I appreciated that -- willing to help with solutions rather than create more problems.

Once home today, I spent time in the kitchen cooking and listening to tunes. I made turkey a la king with biscuits and pumpkin pudding (basically pie filling without the crust). The latter will be part of the bedtime snack with a great cup of chai. The former was delish. <smile>

While listening to a playlist of songs from musicals, I enjoyed the calming effect of a couple songs in particular. While some had me dancing, others helped me relax. The selection shared today includes a trio with intertwining melodies. The beauty of the counterpoint helped me feel more peaceful than earlier in the day. Enjoy!

Les Miserables Montage - I Saw Him Once/In My Live/A Heart Full of Love -- Cosett (Rebecca Caine), Valjean (Colm Wilkerson), Marium (Michael Ball), & Eponine (Frances Rufelle) 

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