Thursday, 15 November 2018

Day 5 - 318 -- Oppressive, Unending Disruption

As I wandered through the morning, I kept wondering why I felt so listless -- no outright tired. I didn't wake early as I have for several days recently, but there is was -- tired little me. I had shoveled snow -- just and inch or two -- and then walked into the office. Generally, that perks me up. Nothing. As I sat at my desk working away n the computer, I had a thought. While I hadn't woken in the night, I recall hearing the wind all night long -- extremely loud wind that was at least gale force. Perhaps that is what made me feel tired today -- disrupted sleep. The wind noise might have been trying to pull me out of sleep, so that the deeper, restful sleep was minimized leaving me exhausted. Interesting.

We have experienced several wind storms in the past 10 days, with number four on the horizon. Last night the winds were the strongest and loudest of the three experienced so far. There are other disturbances headed this way over the next week -- all promise some time of mixed precipitation. Wind will likely be part of these, too. Hopefully not as strong as those of the past week. This is my hope partly for selfish reasons, as I really need to sleep. Big things happening at work next week, and I have to have functional neurons. <smile>

A one-word song title came to mind that simply summarizes my sleep difficulties. The lyrics explain the situation and the vocals speak well to the frustration. Enjoy!

Noise -- The Kinks

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