Sunday, 3 May 2020

Day 7 - 124 -- Baking and Blue Sky

The day greeted me with bright sunshine that lasted all day. It was to have been convocation day here, but this has been postponed until next May. It would have been a perfect day in terms of weather. It certainly wasn't the ending of a multi-year journey that we had hoped for. degrees will be conferred nearer the end of the month.

I made cinnamon buns today. The look good,but still not what I was hoping for. The hunt for a different recipe that is ore bun and less caramelized syrup will continue. Guess, I'm just not that into sticky bun style. I went for a walk during the second rise of the dough. The brilliant blue sky and a chat with the Great Pyrenees down the block helped my re-centre a bit. Some research work was done today, much as I try to keep that out of the weekend. It is one of the only ways to make the days different from one another - particularly during isolation. I worked on the grocery list and getting parts of it into the online order program. I takes a while to complete, but I'm getting the hand of the software and its quirks.

Today I chose a song by a group with a name that goes well with the major activity of my day. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Mother Freedom -- Bread 

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