Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Day 7 - 140 -- Challenges among the Positives

Many things moved forward today. The group presenting at the virtual conference next week met to understand the software and processes needed to communicate to the 600+ registrants <gasp>. That is amazing! The slides for that talk were edited by end of day. The other project needs some revisions completed and sent off for another meeting later in the week. That will have to wait for tomorrow. The video meeting with everyone this afternoon was fun! So nice to see everyone and be relaxed while learning new technology. <smile>

The great outdoors brought a couple of challenges along with some positives. The neighbours' lawn was mowed today and mine will likely be done next week. Just not fully there yet, but with a few sunny days, it will grow more quickly than it has been. We did have a heavy frost this morning, but most plants are doing reasonably well. The magnolias may be worse for wear as the blossoms don't do well with frost. I spent a while washing bird dropping off my car <sigh>. I do park under a tree rather than off to the side; otherwise, people park in my driveway and I can't get in and out. Go figure. Humans can be challenging. <smile> My early evening walk in the sun felt good except that the cold wind blew in my face when walking south, and east, and north -- less so from the west. The multi-directional winds of the maritime weather keep me guessing. <smile>

The challenges presented by technology, nature and weather left me heading towards one song -- because it fits the theme of the day and the title made me smile since I met most of them today. Many covers of this exist. I chose one by a Canadian other than the songwriter. This version sounds comforting. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Four Strong Winds -- Neil Young

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