Friday, 8 May 2020

Day 7 - 129 -- Anniversary of an End

75 years ago today, VE day was being celebrated around the world. Granted the end of hostilities in Europe came several months before VJ day saw the fighting stop in the Pacific. A family member had been in the navy ferrying supplies back and forth across the North Atlantic dodging the U-boats. On this day, he noted they were docked in Lunenburg on the south shore of Nova Scotia. The party was mighty. The town had been drunk dry and foragers went off in two directions to find what they could in other towns. The one headed easterly had to go as far as Halifax to find further fuel for that celebration.

The happiness of the end of a major part of a global war was captured in stories and photos and newsreel footage. We can feel the excitement in those documents. It makes sense to preserve such pieces of history to share with those who did not live through those days and the years that preceded them. As one who dabbles in historical research, I can tell you that having access to actual materials from someone with foresight to keep letters, journals and photos, can make all the difference in the world to helping current day minds understand decisions of the past. When we encounter such things when clearing through an estate, we need to find a family historian or a regional person who will see that materials are properly archived for future generations.

The song for today comes from the World War II era. The singer is over 100 now. In the UK this evening, people stood on their front porches and balconies and sang a song she made famous., "We'll meet again." I've chosen a different one for the blog tonight. Stay safe. Enjoy!

It's a lovely day tomorrow -- Vera Lynn

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