Sunday, 17 May 2020

Day 7 - 136 -- Is it Tuesday?

Time is an odd construct -- something rather  difficult to define and something understood in many ways by many people and cultures.  Recently. we've all heard someone -- or several someones -- say that they had no idea what day it was. A friend had noted that this was clearly written at the bottom of the computer screen (or top of the phone or tablet screen) so why did people keep saying this?  The days blur together in a way that I haven't quite experienced before. It could be that this is longer than that vacation feel where we lose track of days and even time of day due to lack of our usual schedule. During isolation, regular markers of days or times of day no longer demarcate our days. There is no rush to get off to school or work, even if work occurs at home. The sunrise and sunset have changed a lot since we began this process, so the disorientation of not realizing how the outside has continued to change might affect our sleep-wake cycles. There is no clear end of work day at home nor are weekends distinctly different than any other day,

Even when things seem to blur and feel like time is dragging along, when I look at a calendar date, we are firmly in the middle of May. Eight weeks have passed -- actually we are 2 days shy of nine weeks since I began isolating. That amazes me. Why does it not feel that long, while it feels too long? Heading outside for a walk in less busy parts of the neighbourhood helps me to keep track of seasonal changes. Inside the spring shed of the furry one reminds me, too. Yet, going for grocery pick up once every 10-12 days leaves me thinking that less time has passed than when I went once or twice a week. the whole movement through days has been likened to the same day repeating itself by some people. I haven't felt it in that way, though I struggle to describe how this feels to me. A friend said this as clearly as anything I've heard yet -- "There is some serious Twilight Zone shit going on." <smile>

These meanderings and musings today reminded me of lyrics that noted the nature of time passing and the journey we each are making -- especially during this weird time in global history. It is sung by a favourite troubadour.  Keep safe. Enjoy!

Secret o' life -- James Taylor

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