Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Day 7 - 141 -- Practice, Polish, and Pay

It was bright sunny day with warmer temperatures than over the past few days. Much of the time was spent with slides for the presentation next week. I revised them a bit after doing a walk through -- like a table read of a script -- with my colleague. There is still more polishing needed to make the point without extraneous words since the 10 minutes will likely be closer to 7-8 minutes <sigh>. People who know me will understand what a difficulty that is for me <grin>. The mail contained a letter from the insurance company. Nothing is due at this time of year, so I opened that wondering what the heck was up now.  Well -- it contained a cover letter and a check. This is a one time only "Stay Home Payment" that is based on 25% of 1/12 of the annual fee -- or about 2-3% of of the total amount paid last December. Interesting. It is true that isolating means far less mileage being put on the vehicle which must lessen the costs to insurance companies for accidents. I'm not sure I've encountered a payment from any insurance company other than a settlement from collision damage. Another first in that big lists of first this year.

When speaking to someone on a phone meeting today, I could hear what sounded like a bird in the background. I asked if it was a songbird and was told it was a bald eagle in the tree behind the deck she was sitting on. Two cool points there -- It was warm enough to be outside sitting on the deck in the sun. AND eagles sing and not just scream and squawk. I did not know that until today. Very cool. My evening walk was wonderful today. There was no wind to speak of and the sun felt pleasant.  More magnolias out, though some looked a bit peak-ed, likely due to the frost the past two nights.

A song that popped into my mind has lyrics that fit one of the events of the day. The band performing was in heavy play in my dorm room just a decade or few back. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!

Songbird -- Fleetwood Mac

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