Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Day 7 - 127 -- Meetings, Sun & Social Distancing

Another day filled with meetings. Two were planned a week ago. The other appeared as part of a crisis averted in mid-afternoon. Research and professional presentations will be online instead of in person this year. I will miss the conference and seeing my colleagues, but am pleased that we can still communicate the messages planned. Logistics of a new way of doing business has worked well due to a lot of behind the scene efforts. Now they are ensuring presenters become familiar with the presentation platforms -- software an be challenging (understatement much? <grin>)

It was a sunny day for a walk between the last two meetings. It felt good to be outside and see the sun and a couple of familiar faces from a distance as I walked by. Today I had two people who did not ove into the boulevard and tried to pass me with less than 3 feet between us -- I nearly growled at them <smile>. I managed to tuck into a driveway or onto someone's lawn at the last minute to make the space between us almost 2 metres. This behaviour is so rare on my walks. I hope it isn't a new trend of folks thinking opening parts of parks means this distancing isn't important anymore. ,sigh>.

A song that I haven't played yet during the time of the great isolation. It popped into my mind as I dodged the second person today. Just look at those fresh young faces in the video. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!

Don't Stand So Close to Me -- The Police

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