Sunday, 24 May 2020

Day 7 - 144 -- Going Low Tech

Cooler temperatures made household work more bearable than it would have been two days ago. Maples are budding with early blossoms started. Dandelions are in bloom. I love these for the bees as my friends with apiaries would know well. Pink magnolias are now in bloom down the street, with tulips added to the daffodils -- these are two weeks behind schedule. I even saw the early blossoms of magenta rhododendrons yesterday. All are gorgeous and add colour, life and change to my daily walks.

Sleep was disrupted overnight with me being awake for three hours in the middle of the sleep cycle. I did get back to sleep but then slept later than intended. I felt a bit down when I got up. Having a good breakfast and getting a great note from a dear friend helped to pull me back up that slippery slope. I am a lucky person in that respect. I have some amazing, caring friends. Two other highlights of the day came from phone calls from local friends. With one, we may try a brief visit across the street from each other next time she is in my neighbourhood. With the other friend, we made plans to go for a distanced walk some day soon.

The phone calls reminded me of the way calls were made back in the day. One song came to mind for the interactive nature of making a long distance call. We have come a long way in that respect. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Operator -- Jim Croce

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