Sunday, 10 May 2020

Day 7 - 131 -- cooking up a Storm

I seem to have accomplished a number of things on the list today -- for a change. <smile> Household chores mostly, including laundry and cleaning. I spent a fair bit of the afternoon cooking. The freezer needs refilling so there is more than one choice when I head down in search of dinner items. I made a big pot of stew and a recipe of Etouffe sauce. Both sit in the fridge now for the flavours to meld. Tomorrow will be either shrimp etourre or stew and dumplings for supper. Yum. I made a dry roux for the etouffe and it worked wonderfully. I've done the same for gumbo, but that one is scarier to do as it must get darker for the right colour and flavour.

Supper today consisted of the Chinese food I ordered yesterday from the restaurant that has reopened for take-out after a few weeks of being closed. I also got a box of Girl Guide cookies -- Guides can't go door to door this year, so another local restaurateur is selling boxes for the organization. So great to see this community spirit.

I had a long chat with my pharmacist. The prescription refill I received was for 30 days only, when it should have been for 90 days. She told me the provincial government mandated that only a one month supply could be dispensed at a time until later this month -- unless the order isn't lifted then. The order appears to be an effort to ensure no one was stockpiling meds -- but anyone with additional insurance couldn't get a second refill until a week or two before the current one should be done. the order also ensures that supply chain shortages won't create a huge difficulty -- as in everyone will get meds in dribs and drabs. Equality principle here, but economically not so much. To get a 30 day supply three times, will cost me almost three times the regular cost for the full 90 day supply. For those with more expensive meds, this has the potential to become prohibitive. I will be fine, but others may not.

I chose a song about cooking for today. It is an odd little thing sung by the well-known wife of a famous singer-songwriter. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Cook of the House -- Maul McCartney and Wings (sung by Linda McCartney)

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