Music is a spice of life! I plan to post a musical selection each day of the year, based on reflection on events of my days.
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Day 7 - 126 -- Tedious Grey Day
The cold and drizzly day let little light in through the windows. The key point of the day seemed to be the continual technology difficulties. These were time eaters and tedious to boot. It began when in error I deleted a folder in error and had to spend a loooong time reclaiming each email separately. The when the plan involved migrating some files from the old computer to the new computer, the old one took forever to run through several 'questionable' sectors and the new one refused to load windows. So, when taking a short trip to campus, I schlepped the laptop along with me and booted while hard wired to the campus system. That re-initialized Windows and everything from off campus should work tickety boo. I let the IT tech know that if it didn't, I'd send another note along <smile>. This additional silliness meant the trip to the office took far longer than I'd hoped to spend up there. I'd originally planned to retrieve some research literature files, but searched and did not find them in the office. Later tonight, I thought of one other place they could be lurking. So, another tirp into campus is in the offing. We need to notify Safety and Security personnel by phone according to the latest e-mail. When i called I was asked to send details of time and place by e-mail instead. Much easier to do, for sure.
The greyness of the day didn't help to reduce the glum feelings from arguing with technology and having to do things twice or three times today. IT got back to me after their official work hours, so that did make me smile. They work solely online as many of us are doing these days. The plan for the day was hijacked so things from today will need to fir into tomorrow and the next day. Meetings scheduled tomorrow, so it is most likely to be the next day when the items from today's list are tackled again. It just seemed to be a giant waste of time to me today. I felt down when I got up and the day didn't move things forward until speaking with a friend tonight helped me to relax and laugh about the absurdity of the day.
Lyrics of the song chosen to share today speak to my feelings of the tedium of having to fix things, wait for things, and not find things that should be there. Dull, glum, tiring. Stay safe. Enjoy!
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