Thursday, 14 May 2020

Day 7 - 135 -- Altered Protocols

A slow start to the day felt strange. I did get into the groove quickly, though. An academic group held a virtual writing workshop this afternoon. There were quite diverse topics and documents involved. Most felt the process was useful and that it should continue for a few more weeks. We write a note to all about our writing objective for the day and then meet online at the end of the writing time to discuss progress and the barriers and enablers to the process. I managed to get a handle on a flow for the presentation of a 10 minute research paper (followed by 5 minutes for questions). I will need to review examples that work well for the points we can make about a larger project that cannot be fully presented in the brief time. I feel well on my way to something useful, though.

I needed a refill for a prescription for the furry one. Nothing major, just something we use regularly for over a year now. I called the vet office to determine protocol for such things given the newer happenings since I was in last -- that was a few days before lockdown occurred. I paid over the phone and they put things on a table outside the door. So, I got in the car and drove out to the office. Even being in the car for a pick up seemed exciting. <smile>  I left the car and walked to the door and there was a small table with two packages on it. Each was labeled with the name of the customer. Mine was heavy so did not need to be weighted down like another -- with a rock from the ground <grin>. That process made me smile. I then walked from the house to the bank machine and there was only one other person there, so we didn't have to line up outside the door. The weather was reasonable if we'd had to, though -- no rain and just a bit of wind.

In my wanderings today both with words on a screen and on two errands, I realized that the rhythm of things had altered and the steps to do certain tasks had changed, too. It is like dancing. You learn one form of dance and then another and by then you may be able to embellish or change the steps a bit. That is what today involved -- changing steps to a well known dance. A song lyric that came to mind notes the changes needed using a dance metaphor, too. This metaphor I've used often for my research process. Not that I am any good at all at dancing, but I enjoy watching others who do. <smile> The chorus of the selection today contains the lyrics I first heard in my head. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Life's A Dance -- John Michael Montgomery

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