Monday, 4 May 2020

Day 7 - 125 -- Wanderlust?

Something that has weighed heavily while isolating has been my desire to travel. When this current 'stay home' strategy is eased and we can travel by ground and then by air, there is list of people that I need to visit. Some for lunch or afternoon tea and others for longer more involved visits. At present, I dislike being so far away without the option to just get up and go to be with them. I'll admit to tears when this settles into my thoughts for a visit. Family and friends -- heck, they are all family in my heart -- live scattered across this continent, while other related pilgrimages planned involve crossing an ocean.

I recognized before the pandemic, how lucky I've been to be able to travel all over North America and to parts of Asia and Europe. There are still so many places I would love to visit, to get to know the culture, history and people. I've often said that I love to be where I'm going but getting there not so much. I'm not sure in the future that I'll see that travel process as such a pain. It is a privilege. The discomforts of travel days are so very minor. I guess, the isolation has provided that perspective. Something to be grateful for, too.

Yesterday, I heard the selection for today sung by the artist in an acoustic series from her home kitchen. It made me cry. The imagery in the lyrics is beautiful. The travel descriptions showed me the beauty and wonder in the process, which made me feel wistful. I felt the heaviness of wanting to travel, and not knowing when or how this would appear. It will morph into something new, likely with further checks and balances added to the mix. I hope that I can see the changes as I want to now -- necessary to keep us all safe and a positive part of the journey to be with those I love. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Transcendental Reunion -- Mary Chapin Carpenter

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