Friday, 8 May 2020

Day 7 - 128 -- Communication Changes

Another rainy day visited today. While it is full moon tonight, clouds ensure there will be no view. I did get to see it briefly last night, and it was stunning as always. I spent time with technology aging today. I feel as if I'm spending far more time with electronic devices than before hunkering down at home. It may actually be that I'm not in the office, where the computer tends to be the focus of all activity, and that time is now part of the working at home model. It may also be the different communication platforms I'm using. What used to be telephone calls are now video conferences.
Today had a phone meeting and the Skype call became a phone call when internet was unavailable at the other end. Good to have the old school processes still available. <smile> I'm not sure how I would respond to this loss of connectivity, since so much depends on having access to the big world outside the window and that depends on internet connection.

This week I've had something everyday and often several video calls a day that require internet. We can do most meetings, planning, teaching, decision making, medical appointments, music recording, and socializing through the various platforms. In such a short time, most of my meeting and chats with friends have migrated to one video platform or another. Yesterday, in fact, the tv drama All Rise did the whole hour via video chat. The personal and professional relationship story lines all took place on a Zoom-style screen as each character was isolated in their own home. Stresses and challenges of being separated from those they work with and family members were portrayed fairly well. The final scene was when all had been invited to a virtual dance party. Now that looked like something fun and worthwhile. It looked cathartic, as well.

It seems such technology will become more common place as we move through this pandemic -- one of the good things that can come from this -- a way to bring us together when we are far apart. the song today was one of many great songs that provided the soundtrack on the episode. Many great covers of this one. This is one of my favourites. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Change is Gonna Come -- Seal

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