Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Day 7 - 357 -- Need for Kindness

 I had a long start to day -- 25 minute walk to hospital and realized during check in at the front door that requisition was sitting on the kitchen counter. I checked to be sure -- and yes, they needed that in hand or I had to get someone to fax it over. Now, as I'd stood waiting, the woman in front of me at the lab had forgotten her req, too, and she knew the admin person who called the MD office for a fax. I wasn't so lucky <sigh>, so I walked back home. I was ready to just cancel and re-book sometime three weeks from now. Keep in mind that I had been fasting for almost 14 hours by this point. No caffeine and lack of glucose for the brain -- together these likely affected forgetting the req and lacking the energy to do another set of 25 min walks up and back. When I finally checked in, the admin person told me that I didn't need to fast. I've not come across research to support this, so I asked the tech who noted that fasting was the right thing to do, but some MDs were now doing random blood collections for serum lipid levels and others still asked for fasting levels. Until convinced otherwise, I will continue to fast. thought I hope to be able to have breakfast before 1 PM like today (original appointment was for 11:30 AM). 

Later in the day, I checked in on the order that was to be ready Monday morning 'or earlier' and by late afternoon today (Tuesday) I had not heard from the store. While out for an errand, I stopped in to ask why the 'same day' service had now gone 3 or 5 days (if you include weekends, which apparently they don't count <sigh>).When I politely challenged them, they completed the item while I waited! Happily, this was one more item to cross off the 'to do' list <grin>. 

Pondering all of this today, patience came to mind. I'll admit that I didn't feel angry at either situation, just tired or weary of all the goofiness -- whether from my actions or those of others. Forgetfulness happens -- more during the pandemic perhaps -- and prioritization may be challenging during the holiday rush with product orders. The key to getting through today without major upset was kindness and forgiveness for those I encountered and for myself. There is enough stress and trauma swirling around this year that these small moments didn't amount to much.  The song chosen for today deals with the need for kindness and love in our actions. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

The World Needs Christmas -- Emily and Mike

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