The weather didn't stop neighbours half a block away from partying outside until early morning overnight and all day today -- still going strong. Standing in the rain with loud music just doesn't appeal much to me. The noise inside my house has been unbearable. I didn't sleep well due to this last night and can see yet another night of no sleep in my future. A party that disturbs others as a rarity can be dealt with, but those that are the rule rather than the exception are not easily dealt with. I can let others do their thing as long as it isn't disturbing people for a block in either direction. I have difficulty understanding why others don't see their behaviour as disruptive. As a friend has said, I tend to think too logically which only adds to my frustration. Today, I've tried to see things from other viewpoints, but it hasn't really helped. This weekend, I'll put it down to a full moon. Guess I'll just have to dig out the earplugs again.
The song that came to mind while running errands today is by a Canadian singer/songwriter from Saskatchewan. The lyrics of this selection reflected my thoughts about weather positives for me today and the irritation of other people as the day continued at home. I chose the studio version for the clear vocals and jangling acoustic guitar. The visual is special -- she holds a prairie lily (provincial flower of SK) and the South Saskatchewan River and Saskatoon are in the background. Enjoy!
Both Sides Now -- Joni Mitchell
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