Sunday, 30 July 2017

Day 4 - 211 -- Bright Sunshine

I began the day finishing the movie I began yesterday evening. Breakfast and a movie -- something new <smile>.  The day was bright and sunny, though not too warm -- just right for comfort. I spent most of the day indoors. I had a great catch-up call with a friend. We made plans to get together next month. Chatted with another friend outside for a while, too. The sun made the house warmer than the outdoors, but without a breeze, nothing would enter the house. It is to cool more overnight, so I hope for a slight breeze from north or south so the house begins cooler tomorrow. Weather folks predict hotter temperatures for the next few days.

The weather today matched the feelings I had -- sunny days seem to be linked to positive emotions. With the house being bearable though hot, it didn't affect my mood. Given that sitting in the sun isn't my favourite thing to do, and I know many others who dislike this activity, why is sun seen as a positive. We do need sun for plant growth and warmth, but too much of this can slow growth and be way too hot for health. Grey, cloudy days are associated with negative emotions. Rain is needed for plants and water systems. Yet, too much of that can be damaging. Too many cloudy days in a row can be problematic since it can become dreary feeling after two weeks. When at school in Manitoba, the summers were generally sunny. Two grad students were from the Atlantic coast. Interestingly, these two people felt depressed when there were fewer cloudy and rainy days. So, it could be that we feel comfortable with what we grow up with. Stereotyping weather doesn't work well, just as lumping a group of people together as being all the same based on a single characteristic.

A summer song that glorifies sunny weather came to mind. While I'm not one to sit out in the sun -- I burn easily even with gobs of sunblock -- the lyrics do speak to the joys of being out in the sun. The relaxing aspect of summer sneaks in here, too. The orchestration of this song is wonderful. Enjoy!

Sunny Days -- Lighthouse

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