Monday, 10 July 2017

Day 4 - 191 -- Noisiness

I arrived home to a very hot house. On day's with sunshine and heat, things get unbearable inside the house. The furry one was in only-move-for-emergency mode -- not a flick of an ear or even a slight movement of the tip of the tail. It was just too hot. Within a half-hour, I realized that this was likely also due to being overly tired. An unholy banging of metal occurred. I ran to the window expecting to see the excavator up the hill moving, but instead saw a dump truck heading down the street. Now whether this had some clean fill to drop off or if some rubble from the pile that once was foundation was being loaded. As this repeated itself every 20-30 minutes, I decided it was the former. The hole that was the basement up the hill was half full when I walked by on the way home. That had to come from somewhere <smile>.  During the visiting of the dump trunk, the furry fellow was clearly freaked out. If this had been going on all day, he'd be exhausted from the noise and disruption of his daily rest periods. Poor fellow -- I can't explain in a way that he understands.

Noisy disruptions leave much in their wake -- fear, anger, tiredness, confusion and so many other emotions. Even when the noise is understood, it still can wear on a person. Trying to block out something that is almost in your face takes a lot of energy. I fear that this may continue tomorrow as the hole becomes fully filled and the detritus is removed. I so wish I could let the boy know that he is safe and nothing will hurt him.

Talking calmly through the first truck dumping sound brought me to the song for today. I used the title words and then giggled. It is also a perfect song for today, the 293rd anniversary of the birth of Eva Ekeblad -- an early female scientist. She promoted potatoes as food helping with the Swedish famine. At the age of 24, she became the first female member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences -- that was about 1748. The second woman member was not admitted for another 200 years. The Google Doodle today is in her honour. So the song for today is for the events of today and for science -- sung by a great Canadian band. Enjoy!

Big Bang Theory -- Barenaked Ladies


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