Sunday, 6 August 2017

Day 4 - 218 -- Rain and Laughter

From early morning into the afternoon monsoonal rains poured down. We haven't had any rain to speak of for about a month, so this was needed. Getting it all at once can be challenging, particularly for anyone trying to travel through this weather. I spent the day indoors doing some annual cleaning chores. I did make a dent in the pile, but will need to spend another day or two to get through it all. The weather outside made the air very humid. While the temperature wasn't very high, the amount of moisture in the air made it feel so much warmer -- just sticky, wet, yuckiness. When the rain had been stopped for a while, I walked out for milk.

A group dinner occurred tonight with five of us visiting with a former colleague who is back this way for a quick visit. It has been five years since we all were out for a meal together. It was fun to see how we all chattered away just like in the past <smile>. I enjoy seeing people that I don't get to see as often as when we lived in closer proximity. This can happen when I travel or when they travel or when we both end up at a conference or event together. Social media helps me keep up with some of the happenings in the lives of others. This is so much quicker than writing letters and sending cards, though I do so love to get a real card or a real letter. They are few and far between these days. Social media posts cover many people but even the messaging directly to a single person happens rarely. So, when we do have time to see each other in person it is a special time.

I walked out to supper tonight since the rain had stopped, but had a back up plan to drive the short distance had the rain torrents continued. I was happy that rain was falling on the drier areas locally and this didn't interrupt my plans for the day, though I know for some it did. Grey days can make me feel happy as they often bring cooler temperatures in the summer. A song that fit these feelings is a lively, up tempo tune with fun lyrics. The band is from Montreal and look like they are having fun in this video. Enjoy!

Singing in the Rain -- Simple Plan

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