Thursday, 17 August 2017

Day 4 - 229 -- Racing Clouds

The day began and ended with blue skies and next to no wind. In the middle of the day it was another story. Angry looking clouds blew in from differing directions. Winds picked up noticeably as the clouds raced across the sky. At one point, the sky in the backyard was fully covered with dark, stormy looking clouds, while the front yard was clear blue sky and sunshine. And no, the yard is not that big <smile>. Fifteen minutes later as I drove a short way south of town, no blue sky could be found. Within the hour, the sky was back to large clumps of what looked like rain-filled clouds that billowed upwards, interspersed with large patches of blue. By 8 PM, there had been less than a millimeter of rain, no wind was present -- not even a breeze -- and the sky was clear again.

While running errands and going to an appointment, watching the sky was intriguing. Coming from Saskatchewan, Land of the Living Skies, people keep an eye on the sky daily. Like Montana, the sky is big -- about 75% of the view. I miss that. Feeling closed in is common to me here among the trees and hills. I don't really notice how tense I am at times until I enter an agricultural area and let out a long breath. This occurs whenever I leave the ferry and drive onto PEI -- though some of that relief may also come from getting off a ship <smile>. Watching the weather move across the horizon makes me feel part of something larger. I've felt that the weather changes over the course of a day are analogous to fluctuations in our thoughts and moods.

The selection for today comes from a Canadian songwriter. Much of his career has been as a record producer for artists including Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Emmylou Harris, Willie Nelson and others. He is best known for his work with U2. He holds many Grammy Awards for his extensive list of production credits. As a songwriter, many other artists have covered his songs. The one shared here is from one of his own albums. Enjoy!

Under a Stormy Sky -- Daniel Lanois

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