Music is a spice of life! I plan to post a musical selection each day of the year, based on reflection on events of my days.
Saturday, 5 August 2017
Day 4 - 216 -- Busy Day
Many events in what seemed set to be an ordinary day. I spent most of the day working on lectures for early September classes. Things seem set for the first week or two there. Several other bits will need to be completed and polished a bit. I spent the time today on these tasks since I am officially on vacation now. Interestingly, little came through e-mail and telephone today, but then there had been a major fibre cable break that cut things to Atlantic Canada for six hours -- made for a quieter day to focus <smile>. It did disrupt the plans of many people at airports in the region and those hoping to make purchases with plastic (debit and credit). Banks closed and ATMs didn't function. Cell phones and landlines went down. TV was interrupted. Being the Friday before a long weekend, those planning to pick up cash before heading out would be out of luck until much later than they may have planned. The day ended with a celebration at the pub -- once phone lines had been restored. A pleasant breeze cooled the air that had been very hot and humid -- feel like temps well into 30s as air temp was 30C.
It felt odd knowing that I'd be out of the office for a while. Much of my social contact occurs at work, so this will be different. I have a number of activities I'd like to try to do while out of the office. We'll see how that goes -- my 'to do' lists are infamous, after all <smile>. Taking time for self can be difficult when one's day to day life involves caring for others. Yet, self care is necessary or the job won't be done well later. Reminding myself of that needs to happen often to counter the feeling of being 'lazy' and other negative terms -- self talk can be rather destructive at times. So -- looking forward to some fun activities and positive thinking.
The beginning of a song came to mind today with the lack of phone connectivity. The lyrics also contain lines that made me smile as I left the office for this break. It is a cover of a Beatles song by a Canadian songstress. I love this version, though the video has two black bars but the audio is wonderful. Enjoy!
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