Sunday, 29 November 2020

Day 7 - 334 -- Darkness Upon Us

 Sunny Sunday morning. Clouds moved in by later afternoon so much so that the clouds brought full on twilight earlier than expected. At this time of year, darkness creeps into our days slowly. Before we know it, the sun sets before we can get out for that afternoon walk. Heading home at the end of a work day occurs in the darkness. At times, if feels as if we should be heading off to bed, when it is only time to start supper preparation. <smile> I find myself thinking of heading to bed earlier than usual. Yet, I fight to keep the established schedule. Thankfully, electricity provides lights and even entertainment. Television researchers who looked at this medium in anthropological terms noted that the stories told on the flickering screen were similar to oral societies sharing stories and wisdom around a fire. What wisdom or stories have you found broad- or narrow-cast on this medium? There are many. If we look below the surface, many involve classic legends told across cultures. Rather than vegging out while streaming a full season in a single day, take the time to look closer at the stories. Some may bring surprise. We'll get address the intricacies of sociological underpinnings of stories told on another day <smile>. 

The darkness of the colder season can become oppressive. Culturally, darkness is a metaphor for things scary, cold and several other negative concepts. We are on the downhill side of the growing darkness with about three weeks left before the days begin lengthening. So there is a light at the end of the season <smile>. When the darkness becomes overbearing, dancing can help bring back a smile. Lyrics of the song for today note this -- at least on the surface. They may mean something very different, too <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Dance the Night Away -- Van Halen

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Day 7 - 333 -- Looking for Smiles

I chose to look for smiles along the way today.  My trip to bakery found all items on my list on the 'day old' rack at 30% off -- bread, rolls and cheese biscuits. Score! Then just seeing the tree lot set up in the mall parking lot from up the hill made me smile. That they had the wreath size I was looking for made the smile wider as did the great chat with the lot attendant. While at the office I found most of what I was looking for in the files and despite leaving the stick at home with the file I wanted to print, it was a good visit. Quiet in the corridor but I heard one door open and close a couple of times -- likely a colleague hiding away on the weekend. So, I will need to return tomorrow or Monday to print the needed file, but I tried to focus on the smiles rather than not. It was raining lightly when I left the building and intensity increased on the drive home. Another thing to smile about. All planned errands were finished before the rain -- no standing in the rain at a tree lot <smile> or having to sit in wet denim in the car or the office. 

Smiling can help move bluer feelings along. Shared with others smiles may lead them to smile and feel better, too. Lyrics from the selection today cover how a smile can make things feel 'right for a little while' <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Smile that Smile -- Curtis Grimes

Friday, 27 November 2020

Day 7 - 332 -- Rainy Day Errands

The week ended on a rainy note. The day was grey, but warmer than usual for the end of November. I headed out in the morning to run three quick errands. Picked up a product from the vet with no other customers out front. The library had a few visitors, but only one client ahead of me, so things went quickly. The postal outlet in the drugstore had one woman at the counter. I smiled until I rounded the corner and saw six people waiting in line -- taking up most of the cosmetic aisle. I waited. It was near lunch hour, so I expect that several folks were doing this on their break time. Several other people joined the line as we steadily moved forward. At the counter to pick up a couple books of stamps, I found they'd run out of the newer stamps with images painted by an artist from the province. If I'd gone to the main post office outlet, I doubt it would have made a difference and online orders might take a while. So, I took what they had from a previous Christmas. 

In the afternoon, I listened to a two student seminars online and then placed a couple of gift orders. Online orders that are shipped directly to recipients seemed the way to go today. There are others that will require that I stand in line again next week -- not an issue <smile>. As I sat with the computer, I found myself listening to the light rain on the roof. I do love that sound -- so soothing. It made me feel the need to take a nap, but I pushed through noting I could do that after supper <grin> 

A song using a rain metaphor came to mind today. I find the poetic nature of the lyrics fascinating, particularly those about clouds of mystery and confusion, and the bayou rock style is a fave. <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Who'll Stop the Rain -- CCR

Day 7 - 331 -- Transparent Communication

It has been a day of drizzle and mist. I spent part of the day at the car dealership getting the winter tires installed. This preparation for colder weather is a sign of things expected to arrive in the near future. In this case winter, but other changes are underway in the news in terms of pandemic planning. The UK vaccination plan has job postings out for December hires and the beginning of clinics held as 12 hour days, 7 days a week until March. Much vaccine policy discussion and planning is underway in other nations around the globe. While this is a glimmer of hope in a darker world, there is a healthy dose of trepidation that comes with this process. 

These actions and many others keep us moving forward regardless of what is going on around us. Communication is key to planning and transparency of process. Listening to the daily updates from provincial and federal governments today, I was reminded of the need for clear speech and straight-forward messaging. This further reminded me of a song. <surprise> There are many covers of this song. I chose a more recent one. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

The Sound of Silence -- Pentatonix

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Day 7 - 330 -- Core Goodness

The province has moved closer to full lockdown in the largest urban centre. Two island provinces have withdrawn from the 'Atlantic bubble'.  Many venues have been listed as places of potential exposure to positive COVID-19 cases. So much so, that long lines of people who had been in these restaurants and bars now wait to be tested. Students who plan to go home at the end of term in early December, may now need to leave earlier to deal with the required quarantine in their home province and again upon return to this province. Due to the expected increase in online shopping this year, mail and order deadlines will likely be in the next week in order to ensure delivery by Christmas. Even if things get where they are headed earlier or later, it will be part of this new more relaxed (maybe?) season.  Community members have begun considering what a virtual holiday celebration might look like. Shared meal times, gift exchanges and conversations can be done online. This will take planning that could be fun -- just like the usual plans would be. Letting one's thoughts roam free might lead to something interesting for the day(s). 

I hope to get some decorations up in the house over the next week. That will brighten the darker early evenings. <smile> The song shared today brings a wish that we can find the core goodness in each of us during the many holidays of the next few weeks. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Maybe This Christmas -- Ron Sexsmith

Day 7 - 329 -- Transitions

Today the concept of the day was transitions. Changes are happening all around us. The world is in a constant state of flux, but current events globally provide us with alterations that we may not be fully ready to embrace. Not that humans adapt well to change. Much as we might hate to admit, we are creatures of habit. When presented with a change outside our circle of control, we balk somewhat, often due to fear. What will this new way of doing things be like? I like the old way, it worked well, so why change? Even with a cogent reason, there is still push back. Perhaps it is because we are individualists and dislike external controls -- even though there is no way around them. 

So, what brought this on? Major centres in this province and others are moving toward -- if not fully into -- lockdown mode. This has altered protocols for annual events -- no Santa Claus parade in town, no in-person ceremonies on campus, no travel within the broader region. It made me think about doing new things. Adding something new into the tried and true tradition may help us to recall "the year when we tried [something new]" -- a group experience of something new can be fun regardless of the outcome and will bring new memories. Doing new things is a challenge I make to myself  so I don't get too mired in a rut or become to complacent. It challenges me to see things differently, be brave, find things I like or don't like,and keep up with the world around me. While those are things I've chosen to do most of the time, others were visited upon me due to circumstances -- delayed luggage, broken bone, damaged vehicle -- but I learned many things from each of the less desirable -- sometime more than with the desired outcomes. 

A song lyric that fits the goal of purposely doing new things is share with you here. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

I am Changing -- Jennifer Hudson

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Day 7 - 328 -- Pondering Boundaries

The concept of boundaries entered my thoughts today. We are surrounded by all types of boundaries in our daily lives -- doors for only going in or going out, international and provincial or state borders, limits of a tank of gas, what we like or don't like. Are these constraints put upon us by others or are they limits we've set for others? Lots to think about there. <smile> 

My mind then headed into a gratitude exercise. When feeling pressures from outside forces on our comfort levels, there are still things for which to be thankful. I often try to end the day by naming three things to be grateful for from that day. I have become distanced from this for a while, and want to re-establish this practice. So, I will list the things that helped me through my day. 

--  The soothing sound and vibrations of a purring cat who chooses to sit closer as days get cooler

-- Technology that keeps me connected -- TV for entertainment and information, virtual platforms and wifi in my own home to keep me connected to people outside my home 

-- Friends and family willing to share the ups and downs of each day

-- Music, especially musicians, who share such wonderful thoughts through song

-- Mail and parcel delivery to my front door 

Well, there are more than three there <smile> I dislike being constrained by rules and boundaries, it seems <grin>.  A couple of things came to mind while thinking through this concept of constraints. One is a saying I've heard since childhood -- "Good fences make good neighbours." There is much buried in those few words. The other is a quote attributed to Pete Seger -- "Songs are sneaky things; they can slip across borders." Again, from a folk-singer advocate, that speaks volumes. 

The song for today got stuck in my head during my cerebral meanerings today. It was one my dad enjoyed, so I've heard it a lot and know all the words <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Don't Fence Me In -- Willie Nelson

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Day 7 - 327 -- Historical Television Impacts

 Fifty-seven years ago today JFK was assassinated. The television images are fresh in my mind even now -- seeing the replays of him dying over and over in the grainy greyness of the huge black and white screen in our living room. For perspective, this was the first time as a student in grade 1, that I had seen someone die on the screen -- really die. 

Many years later, when I began my PhD research I chose to study the impact of televised images on viewers. The early images of the death of JFK played heavily into my choice of study subject, knowing it would be central to the rest of my academic career. Granted, I studied images of food and body image then and others related to social, political, psychological, and economic impacts to our food choices and the ability to access food. The power of the medium had been with me since my early years. The moving image has such great emotional effect. Think of the images that you carry with you -- assassination of the Kennedy brothers, unfolding of the Quebec crisis, explosion of the shuttles Challenger and Columbia, embedded journalist views of war in Viet Nam, famine in Ethiopia, and Columbine. It isn't all bad, though. I also recall being introduced to Baryshnikov, George Balanchine, the Beatles, Jane Goodall, Louis Leakey, and the Monkees <smile>. Each of these images -- and so many more -- had a role to play in shaping who I am today.    

The JFK images marked a loss of innocence of sorts. From this came a rise of conspiracy theories -- who killed JFK, was McCartney dead, was Elvis still alive and so much more. This day in 1963 was a watershed moment on many fronts and shaped the world around us in unexpected ways. The song shared today speaks to the history and the theoretical underpinnings that have been a big part of my life. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

I Saw it on TV -- John Fogerty

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Day 7 - 326 -- Walk + Sun + Letter

 Today began with bright sunshine. By early afternoon when I thought I'd go for a walk, cloud cover predominated. In another hour, the sun reappeared through the clouds, so I headed out. I hadn't gotten out for a walk for several days, so this was invigorating. Temperatures were warmer today -- into double digits, but will be just above freezing at best for the next few days. We are seeing fewer warmish days as we transition into the colder season. 

At home, I busied myself with household cleaning chores and laundry. Bet that brings envy when you read this <grin>. Time was spent getting the annual holiday letter together. I didn't get one out last year and had planned to do this during the first lockdown in March. It just never happened, so the letter today covered two years. I even managed to keep it to the usual double sided page. <smile> 

An upbeat song came to mind while walking this afternoon. The lyrics mention a number of things I encountered during the day. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Walking on Sunshine -- Katrina and the Waves

Friday, 20 November 2020

Day 7 - 325 -- Food with a Bonus

 Temperatures rose a bit today but clouds remained. I spent much of the day working on the submission of a research manuscript for publication. Once the process was finally completed, I realized I'd left out one needed declaration. I don't seem to be able to access the files to alter just the one, so fear I may have to delete the whole thing and start the submission process anew. It took about an hour once I'd gotten all the files ready -- well not all ready, obviously. Redoing this will not be onerous, just pick and somewhat tedious. <sigh>

For supper I made a batch of sweet and sour sauce that I served over meatballs. The rest will go to the deep freeze to be used in the days to come. This recipe was from a friend. It uses cranberry sauce and tomato juice as a base. It is really yummy and I'd not have guessed it was cranberry based when I first ate it. Very, very yummy. As I was dishing up supper, the door bell rang. It was another friend dropping of a lovely smaller pumpkin and a big bag of apples. I plan to roast the pumpkin and freeze it in batches for use in soup, muffins and curry. The apples are destined for spiced applesauce. I've been out of this for some time, so replenishing that shouce will give me something fun to put on pancakes, French toast or gingerbread cake.

It was a great day with a food focus. Cooking can be very cathartic. I do enjoy it. All of the items today were linked to friends -- something that brought smiles and happy thoughts. Even the research paper was about food choice behaviours and written with a friend and research colleague. Not only will I be cooking recipes for cooler days, but the friend-related recipes and ingredients feel like a major bonus -- a windfall of sorts. 

The thoughts today brought a few songs to mind, but one rose to the top. The version shared involves many artists that help each other to perform a great rendition of the song. Watch for many familiar faces beyond the two main artists. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

I Get by with a Little Help from my Friends -- Ringo Star and Paul McCartney et al. 

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Day 7 - 324 -- Frozen World

 The day was sunny and cold. The walk to the store for milk was brisk. Indoors I discovered the water had been turned off, which must have why I could hear heavy equipment a block away. Once back up and running, I was glad I wasn't doing laundry today. The water is always a horrid rusty red from sediment. It takes some time to get that mess to turn back to clean water. It can make a huge mess in a load of laundry and make a shower less than desirable. 

Cold temperatures with frozen bits on the porch have arrived as a way to herald the approach of the winter season. It isn't my favourite season, but it will arrive regardless of my opinions. There is the hope of spring, though, as the seasons have shown us that they keep changing even with a global pandemic. News of potential vaccines by then can also keep spirits up.  

A song about the changes of fall into winter came to mind with my meandering thoughts. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

A Hazy Shade of Winter -- Simon and Garfunkel

Day 7 - 323 -- Uncertainty Blues

The past few days have brought thoughts about the upcoming holidays. Things will be different this year. We are encouraged by mail order and post office to get things into the mail earlier than usual. December 4 has been suggested for some online orders. More people will be shopping online than in bricks and mortar stores this year due to the pandemic. It is likely that many areas across the country may be under lockdown again in the coming few weeks. Celebrations will be different with smaller groups gathering and many people being alone. Virtual mealtimes have been suggested. Again, something very different. It may be the year to begin a new tradition with an online group movie viewing, gift exchange or sing-along. Finding a new recipe to add to the usual fare could perk things up a bit. 

This next phase of COVID and planning for an altered holiday celebration create a different type of anticipation -- one heavily tinged with trepidation. How will this feel? The expectations may be worse than the actual events, but that stress of the unknown remains. Uncertainty can be powerful. A blues song came to mind today due to my mood <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

The Blues had a Baby and They Called it Rock and Roll -- Muddy Waters 

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Day 7 - 322 -- Unfocused

Today I felt totally unfocused and maybe a bit lost. Add being tired to the mix and it is no wonder I seemed to forget many things that I meant to say or do during the day. In an online interview, I felt I lost focus with some answers and had to ask for a repeat of the question involved. I've always been more than a wee bit tangential when speaking. I tend to start with a huge ball of ideas, wander about a bit, and finally make my point -- that is unless I've gotten myself lost along the journey <smile>. Today things didn't go well.  

I suspect that I am not alone in this feeling. The stresses of the pandemic, particularly as we head into the 'second wave', can create stress. The symptoms are there, even when people don't fully understand where it all originates. The days often begin with good intentions and reasonable energy, only to disintegrate sometime in the afternoon. Again, I find myself trying to figure out what I'm doing that causes this when it is likely something outside of me causing the stress. Learning to give myself a break is not easy. I'd do it for others, so am not sure why I expect myself to be different. Perhaps I need to build in self check in times during the day, to see how I am feeling. Maybe this would help me take a break or go for a walk to refresh. By supper time, I often don't feel like cooking. I have ingredients and plans for a couple of large batch dinners that will go to the freezer so there is a choice for days when I'm not up for cooking. I could take a break from cleaning or whatever, early in the day and get recipes started that need a long time to simmer. It may be as simple as understanding when the energy ebbs and flows during the day and then taking advantage of that knowledge. So -- working to be self aware goes to the top of the big list. <smile> There is also a need to understand that other people are in the same situation. Just because I am alone a lot more than before this all began only means that I don't see people as regularly and interact with them -- all of which helps to see that others are under stress, too. 

A song from decades past rolled around in my head today. It is about finding a place of comfort and thinking through events of the day. The album title sounds enticing -- Endless Summer. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!

In my Room -- The Beach Boys 

Day 7 - 321 -- Need to Hide

 It was a Monday. I didn't get much accomplished today. I had a good phone chat with a friend but didn't get to the dreaded list. To be honest, I feel like hiding form the world. Sadly, I'm not sure where to go that lets me run away and hide form this disease. So, not only do I want to run away, it appears I am trapped and really can't do that. That feels horrible. The uncertainty of when the world will open up enough to let us move around again hits hard at times. Not knowing when I can run away, even if not to hide, seems unbearable in those moments. 

We are destined to continue isolating in the home with only a few essential trips out of the yard. While it bears all the marks of hiding, it really isn't. It feels more like force confinement. Actually, it is just that isolation that I want to run and hide from. <sigh>  People with experience and knowledge of the impact of such situations warned us that the three or so months after the six month mark would be difficult. It is also the time when winter sets in for the northern hemisphere bringing the shorter days and increased darkness. This is a time of semi-isolation for many people, since weather conditions do interfere with movement and travel. I fear this will only add to the that anxiousness to get away. If I recall correctly, the experts noted that while we have made some significant alterations to daily life, we will need to be prepared for other changes over this time period. Adding yet other layers, are the increasing infection rates and walking back openness in order to address the rising case numbers, which are worse than we had in the first wave of this beast. For those with anxiety prior to this pandemic such events and feelings only add to the loss of control. For everyone else, moments of rising anxiousness may be a new and scary feeling. We do need to support each other and ourselves -- emphasis on ourselves there. Find the moments where we can 'escape' briefly. I have found spending 5-10 minutes with a jigsaw puzzle can help calm the noise in my head and help with focus. Find whatever might work for you -- within reason of course <smile>.  

A song played in my head today as I was thinking of the need to get away and to hide. A perfect lyric line notes "I could hide in a crack in the road" and clearly notes the mixed up feelings. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Milkshake -- Peter Tork 

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Day 7 - 320 -- What's Next?

 Another day that dawned with bright sunshine and ended with more cloud. Cooler temperatures prevailed and daytime highs and overnight lows will be much colder in the next few days. Nature is at work to prepare us for the colder couple of months ahead of us. 

Highlights of the day included making a yummy supper that included a great apple-cranberry crisp. Yum. <smile>  There are other items that do need to be made to refill the deep freeze, but those will wait for the next few days. The rest of the day was spent in house cleaning and catching up on writing. I found myself thinking about the upcoming holidays and planning to put up some decorations, maybe get the cards out on time, and planning gift buying ideas. We are told that this year will be even busier than last December for online orders and parcel mailing. I would like to get those things completed earlier than my usual, which is close to the last possible day to get things where they need to be on the day they need to be there. <shaking head> No reason this year for me not to have time to do this.  

So, starting with some decorations might help lighten the concerns with the pandemic. That reminded me of a song from a musical with a similar sentiment. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

We Need a Little Christmas - Pentatonix

Day 7 - 319 -- Be Kind to Yourself

Saturday was spent doing laundry and housework -- a very mundane type of day. Now that doesn't mean that it was boring or frustrating. It was a positive day filled with contentment and smiles. I will admit to feeling a bit tired by evening. This may be part of recuperating from the worst of the sinus infection. There is still congestion but not all the other symptoms I had. The 'to do' list is affected by the weariness that remains, which also puts the blog writing behind schedule. Rather than berating myself for not getting things done or not getting over some infection as quickly as earlier in life <smile>. Practicing being kind to myself isn't easy, but I'm am learning to recognize a bit better when I get in my own way. It takes time. 

The opening lines of a song came to mind while thinking through the tired feeling today. When I listened to the lyrics again, I found that it could be applied to a person caring for themselves and not just for a person caring for another person. I chose a cover by a band from the '70s rather than the original recording. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Try a Little Tenderness -- Three Dog Night

Day 7 - 318 -- Driving

 Today I went for a drive to Cape Breton. The day was a mix of sun and cloud and was much cooler than the rest of the week had been. It was invigorating to go for short walks along the way. I discovered some wonderful beaches -- places to return next year. The rural nature of the island brings a relaxed feeling. I've been to most areas of the island over the years and today went back through a favourite area along the Margaree Valley and western side from Inverness back to the causeway. There are many new-to-me places to explore with others. Missing the Celtic Colours music festival this fall, makes me want to experience this with friends that much more. 

I haven't done a trip like this for over a year. Being retired, I'd thought there would be more day trips around, but the pandemic has limited that ability. Just being out of town today, seemed to increase a feeling of calmness -- just seeing different surroundings was amazing. My shoulders dropped an inch or two <smile> and I smiled a lot during the drive. I felt like I could breathe better. That amazed me. I knew being semi-isolated for months had created some stresses -- what some might call 'cabin fever' or 'shack wacky'. Going for a walk around the neighbourhood helps most times, but even though walking feels good, at times it just is going by the same places repeatedly. 

A song that fit the day well is shared here. It made me smile. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

On the Road Again -- Willie Nelson

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Day 7 - 317 -- Rock Birthday

 The day began very warm and the temperature dropped sharply by mid-afternoon. We are now back at the usual temperatures for this time of year. I did enjoy the brief summery respite, though. My day was fairly uneventful. One telephone meeting went well and I was able to book two other appointments -- one for me and one for the car -- before the end of the month. I had two short outings. The first was to the drugstore to get some antibiotic ointment. When I unboxed it at home, the tube was leaking around the crimped end. So, out I headed again to get a replacement. Sadly the entire shelf stock had the same issue. It must have been a mechanical issue during packaging. They refunded my costs and I walked down the street to the other drug store, where the tubes showed no sign of leakage. It was a different expiry date, so a different production time. I then headed out to the bakery for a loaf of bread and a half dozen rolls. Yum. <smile> It wasn't a wasted day by any stretch, just a bit quieter than some. 

Today Neil Young turned 75. In honour of the birthday of this Canadian, I chose to share a song written and performed by Young. This version is from a concert so it is longer than the more commonly heard recorded version and contains more guitar work than usual. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Rockin' in the Free World -- Neil Young

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Day 7 - 316 -- A Different Memorial

 A day of tears, smiles, and stories -- Remembrance Day 2020 and 75 years since WWII ended and 70 years since end of Korean conflict. We marked the day in a different way this year wit far fewer people at the national war memorial  and elbow bumps instead of hand shakes and all dignitaries carefully distanced.. Fewer veterans were invited due to their high risk with Ontario areas having huge numbers of new cases daily in the second wave of the pandemic. 

 I've been to ceremonies in areas where I have lived and usually watched the national ceremonies from Ottawa. Once I participated in the national ceremonies in Ottawa followed by a visit to the National War Museum. While downtown the artillery gun salute  continued throughout the ceremonies.. I've visited the books of remembrance when in the Peace Tower and now while temporarily housed in an area close to the temporary home to the House of Commons. These are very moving and the pages are turned each day so different names are visible in the glass cases.  

During the national ceremonies today, the chaplain noted that COVID isolation can give us an  understanding of being separated from loved ones. We didn't choose this, but many people had chosen to leave families to join armed service -- often to be separated for years and in the midst of increased peril. Many indigenous veterans chose to join armed services when they were not yet citizens but wards of the state -- an amazing commitment. 

I tend to spend this day thinking of the situations that many people I've known had found themselves -- the mud and freezing temperatures in the trenches in France; ambushes on the roads of France in WWII[ in the north Atlantic during the long Battle of the Atlantic; in the fields of Korea; boarding ships in the Gulf during the Iraq war;  In the Gulf during the in Cyprus and Egypt on peace keeping missions;  domestic service in Canada including the recent Operation Laser in the midst of the pandemic. So many family members and friends have served in the regular and reserve forces. For this reason the stories of those I know and the many I never met are a focus on this day. The song shared today was written to commemorate the Battle of Beaumont-Hamil in WWI, where most of the Newfoundland Regiment was killed or injured over the brief melee. This day changed the direction of Newfoundland forever, eventually leading to their joining the Dominion of Canada in 1949. The song shared here is sung by Newfoundlanders. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Sing You Home -- Ennis Sisters

Day 7 - 315 -- Mastication

 The day was amazing for almost mid-November. Temperatures sored into the 20s with humidity, so the air felt much warmer. I needed different clothes for my mid-day walk, but still felt overdressed for the weather. 

I finally got into the see the dentist to determine what next steps will be for the teeth that were damaged in a fall last January. This should have been completed by now, but like so much else, this, too, was postponed while offices were in lockdown. It will be into next year before we move forward -- thought that really is only 6-8 weeks in all likelihood <smile>.. The wait now lies with insurance to assess the procedures and give  permission to get something more permanent in place. Patience is needed. The dentist did do some minor adjustments to the temporary fix that was done late February. I was to check in after two weeks, but by then the world was in lockdown. The adjustments feel odd, but will work somewhat better. when chewing. <smile>

One song cam to mind when thinking of eating difficulties of the past few months and the idea that things can be improved. stay safe. Enjoy! 

Chewy, Chewy -- Ohio Express 


Day 7 - 314 -- Embracing Flexibility

What a lovely warmer sunny day! I walked out to pay bills and get an item from the drugstore. I encountered a colleague and we chatted for a while to catch up. It was such fun to speak with her as it has been months since we have done more than wave from a distance. The front yard has been transformed into a grass green ground colour. The leaves were blown and removed -- a giant pile was visible out front for a while -- so amazing. A weekly phone update with a friend went longer than usual, but we had lots to say, it seems <smile>. Always a great time to check in. 

During the day, I did laundry that just didn't get done over the weekend as other activities interfered. A couple of other 'must do'  items will have to be pushed to tomorrow after the meetings and appointments of the day. Winter readiness for feet and the car needs to be addressed soon. With some concerted effort and needed energy, these might occur soon. I wasn't procrastinating today; the activities I did took a little longer than expected, but this wasn't a problem. Being flexible is necessary. The challenge has been to understand that a fluid agenda can work. Just because the key items planned were not completed, does not mean that the day was wasted <smile>. I felt this way often when working, so need to find a way to alter the outlook when retired. <grin>.

The song for today was chosen for the title, which fits my thoughts of the day. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Flexible -- Depeche Mode


Monday, 9 November 2020

Day 7 - 313 -- Another Loss

Bright sunshine and blue sky through the day helped to maintain an uplifting feeling. While sunny, it was cool, but refreshing when I went for a walk to the drugstore and back. Along the way, I had a great chat with a neighbour -- including the dog and cat <smile>. I went for dinner at a friends and the walk there and back was cold. Once the sun went down, the temperature moved closer to freezing point. Warm jacket and gloves helped me to remain warm while walking at a brisk pace. 

Today we lost an amazing man, Alex Trebek. while most people know him as the host of "Jeapardy" for 37 years, his career began with CBC in Ottawa. There he did various announcing jobs and hosted "Reach for the Top" a Canadian high school quiz show. In recent years he supported and worked on an annual youth geography quiz event for Canadian Geographic Society. His recent appearances in Canada occurred even while he was ill. He stated that as long as he wasn't dead, he would honour his commitments since people were expecting him. He was a proud Canadian who grew up in a bilingual household. His smile and support of knowledge -- trivial or otherwise -- will be sorely missed.  

Given the days events, I have an answer and question for the blog. The song that made Merv Griffin (songwriter) many millions of dollars. What is the theme song to Jeopardy? He said the song was written as a lullaby for his young son. Go figure! Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Jeopardy Theme song -- by Merv Griffin

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Day 7 - 312 -- Feeling Relief

 The day came with much relief. Momentary weather relief brought warmer temperature with clouds and wind that made it feel a bit cooler than numbers might have indicated, but it was still a lovely respite. Other pondering of my own emotions led to understanding of what and why positive and negative feelings occur at different points in time -- sometimes following closely upon each other. 

On an outing to the second grocery store in town today, I still could not find stew beef. Yes, I could buy steak to cut up on my own, but standing at the counter I was surprised to see bison cubes. So the stew made today will be a great reminder of home. Beef stew on its own is a comfort food for me -- I use my dad's recipe. Bison was available in a small cafe in Saskatoon in a stew served with baked bannock. I lived a couple of blocks from a specialty butcher who always had bison, elk and emu along with many other meat and poultry varieties found less often in major grocery stores. 

The revelations of the day brought a sense of elation. The need to celebrate and move surfaced. Lyrics from a song chorus seemed to fit perfectly with my emotions. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

You Make Me Feel Like Dancing -- Leo Sayer

Friday, 6 November 2020

Day 7 - 311 -- Stresses of Waiting

How is it Friday already? This week has slipped away -- disappeared.  It feels like being in some strange limbo  as the world awaits a decision. So much not completed this week, some of which needed to happen by today! So, there was much running around to complete errands and shopping. It felt positive to be out in the warmer air and to find three items that I'd hoped might be in stock. Wearing my mask, no one really saw the silly grin I had when I found one item on a floor level movable shelf that was up against a larger permanent shelf. I had to get in between the two to extract the items from the 'merchandiser' that clearly didn't let a quarter of the stock to be accessible. Either way, I got what I'd hoped to find. The other item was in stock and did not require any fervent searching as occurred with the first item. Now there were two grocery items that I couldn't find anywhere; nor could I find a worker bee to help me locate them. One was minute tapioca (smaller grain than regular, but there was no regular either). I use it to thicken fruit filling for crisps. I prefer it over corn starch for stability. The other items were turkey breast and stew beef. None anywhere in the meat section. Odd. Those will get pushed to the next grocery list, I suppose. 

As the waiting continues, whether for grocery items or world affairs, I still am working to find the positives around me. Finding some items today helped me see small victories and joys in the day -- things to be thankful for. <smile>. The chorus of a song says much of how I've been feeling this week. The lyrics definitely present much of what has been happening over the past four days. Hang in there everyone. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

The Waiting -- Tom Petty

Day 7 - 310 -- Moments of Hope

Today is the 45th day of autumn so we are at the seasonal halfway point. True to form, the transition season weather has been cooler more often than warmer. The walk today was chilly with a brisk breeze adding to the coolness of the 'feel like' temperature. That said, the big wind outside my window tonight heralds the arrival of warmer air. The next few days will be into mid-teens rather than the lower single digits of the past few days. I welcome that change, knowing that there will be fewer such temperatures over the next 45 days and the end of autumn. 

I participated in a great Zoom meeting with a research colleague this afternoon. It is fun to catch up and continue work with an ongoing project. In the evening, I attended a webinar with a Canadian senior statesman, the Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, former prime minister. He was interviewed through Zoom by a journalist, news anchor and former TV news show host. Both are alumni of the local university. This was billed as a fireside chat and it did come off as a relaxed conversational two hours. Topics dealt with international affairs during his tenure as prime minister and commentary on current global issues. It was an interesting evening -- one that provided a calm and hopeful look to the future. I think I really needed that grounding today. 

The song today was written to promote mental health for women. Today the lyrics fit my feelings well. stay safe. Enjoy! 

Hope -- Natasha Bedingfield 

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Day 7 - 309 -- Choices

The uncertainty founded in the pandemic has been in my thoughts lately. Today when chatting with a colleague, I was reminded that the things I miss doing most are mired in layers of choice. Can we be involved in activities that had been shut down -- visiting, traveling, dining in restaurants, going to concerts and such? How safe are these and the altered formats offered recently? Are we ready to embrace the risk? So many different levels of concern exist. Living with the chronic uncertainty can be debilitating. When reminded of the role choice plays, I realized that this is part of the determinants of health. People with greater ability to make choices in their lives tend to rate their overall health higher than those less able to make personal choices. I do realize that the current public health situation is not a personal choice, but a broader societal choice. For this reason, public health ordinances direct acceptable public activity. 

Much of my pondering looked at the health impact of lack of choice. Through research, these situations have been linked to increased chronic disease risk, greater chance of poor mental health, and less functional immune systems. This points to the possibility that there will be longer term health sequelae to address on the other side. I expect this will be less frightening than the virus has been, but it means health care systems will need to adapt. 

As I pondered all of this further -- or as the day wore on <smile> -- it became clear that choices do exist. I can choose not to be the victim in this narrative. I can choose to recognize the moments of joy that arrive each day. I can choose to be present in the days and not wish my life away (the advice I had from a friend who lived to be 100). It all comes down to recognizing that I do have choices -- they haven't all been overtaken by the pandemic. Practicing the positive is challenging. It does not mean dismissing emotions. Instead, it involves acknowledging all emotions, sitting with them and then moving on. That is by no means a simple process, but one that is well worth the effort. 

Living in the Moment -- Jason Mraz

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Day 7 - 308 -- Friendship

When I woke this morning, it was clear the headache remains but meds seem to help today. Wonderful greetings from several friends online helped me to smile and to laugh out loud several times. I walked out to the car where the flyer delivery person had left the bag of papers on the hood. It is ridiculous how wading through the leaves and hearing the sound they make brings such a silly grin to my face. Who knew leaves could be such a source of joy? I spent a bit of time with the loppers to remove the smaller branches from the limb that fell in a wind storm a couple of weeks ago. I expect I'll feel that in the delts and triceps tomorrow -- if not later this evening, though it felt good to do something physical and useful while in the crisp autumn air today. That activity will make the pile of branches easier for the yard care guy to remove with the leaves early next week. 

In the thankfulness calendar, today involved recognizing the wonderful people in your life. I didn't have to look far to find specific actions that occurred today. Even without me pondering the group, these gestures reminded me of the marvelous circle of friends and family -- blood and chosen -- that surround me. They are treasures. As with any relationship, work is involved to build and maintain the threads that connect us. The pandemic has affected how some of that caring is expressed. Being distanced and unable to travel easily if at all, means finding more creative ways to let people know how important they are in our lives. Small gestures mean so much whether on the giving or receiving end. To be honest, I think those two 'ends' are not so much anchor points on a straight line continuum, but instead are the same point on a circle. When we give we also receive -- seeing or knowing someone is smiling can help us smile, too. Hmm. That thought crept up on me there <smile> 

The song that seemed to fit my musings today speaks to the reciprocal nature of a caring and supportive friendship. I like the upbeat sound of the song. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Count on Me -- Bruno Mars


Day 7 - 307 -- Unwanted Guest

It was very windy overnight and during the day, but with warmer daytime temperatures. These dropped back to cooler values by early evening. My day was quiet with little accomplished. I felt very tired and tackled very little. I did have a good phone chat with a dear friend -- something I'm always thankful for. 

I wondered if the tiredness had something to do with time change? Adjusting just one hour can be challenging and the mythical  'one more hour of sleep' just doesn't materialize. At least, it hasn't ever done so for me. The fatigue worsened as the day progressed, settling in for a longer visit than desired. Into mid-evening, I realized that there was a headache involved with the tiredness, which is probably part of the sinus issue I've been battling. Hurrah! <sigh> 

I pondered several songs and finally settled on one. The title says it all for me today. I have things I want to do and the yucky feeling is getting in my way -- and there is a great piano in this one <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Haven't Got Time for the Pain -- Carly Simon

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Day 7 - 306 -- Thankfulness


Sunday dawned sunny and breezy so leaves blew off the trees. There is a storm brewing for the beginning of November --one of the weather bombs that I'd never encountered until moving to the Maritimes 22 years ago. This one will settle in overnight and roar through tomorrow. Rain and wind are forecast to be at the centre of this storm. I expect to be indoors through tomorrow. <smile>  

A friend shared a calendar for the new month -- a month of thankfulness. It may be the impetus that many of us need to alter some of the more negative approaches to our current days. While focused on the definite feelings of loss and disruption in this sea of uncertainty, we can overlook the many things for which we can be grateful. This calendar suggests actions and provides thoughts to ponder. I felt it could focus my thinking on the positive and help me to move out of that 'poor me' victim space that visits every so often. Today the action noted that we should be sure to acknowledge the people in our lives that make our days better. Tell them now, how important they are. 

The song shared today is not the usual cover that comes to mind. I do love this one with the guitars and very different beat. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

What a Wonderful World -- Joey Ramone