Sunday, 15 November 2020

Day 7 - 319 -- Be Kind to Yourself

Saturday was spent doing laundry and housework -- a very mundane type of day. Now that doesn't mean that it was boring or frustrating. It was a positive day filled with contentment and smiles. I will admit to feeling a bit tired by evening. This may be part of recuperating from the worst of the sinus infection. There is still congestion but not all the other symptoms I had. The 'to do' list is affected by the weariness that remains, which also puts the blog writing behind schedule. Rather than berating myself for not getting things done or not getting over some infection as quickly as earlier in life <smile>. Practicing being kind to myself isn't easy, but I'm am learning to recognize a bit better when I get in my own way. It takes time. 

The opening lines of a song came to mind while thinking through the tired feeling today. When I listened to the lyrics again, I found that it could be applied to a person caring for themselves and not just for a person caring for another person. I chose a cover by a band from the '70s rather than the original recording. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Try a Little Tenderness -- Three Dog Night

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