Friday, 6 November 2020

Day 7 - 311 -- Stresses of Waiting

How is it Friday already? This week has slipped away -- disappeared.  It feels like being in some strange limbo  as the world awaits a decision. So much not completed this week, some of which needed to happen by today! So, there was much running around to complete errands and shopping. It felt positive to be out in the warmer air and to find three items that I'd hoped might be in stock. Wearing my mask, no one really saw the silly grin I had when I found one item on a floor level movable shelf that was up against a larger permanent shelf. I had to get in between the two to extract the items from the 'merchandiser' that clearly didn't let a quarter of the stock to be accessible. Either way, I got what I'd hoped to find. The other item was in stock and did not require any fervent searching as occurred with the first item. Now there were two grocery items that I couldn't find anywhere; nor could I find a worker bee to help me locate them. One was minute tapioca (smaller grain than regular, but there was no regular either). I use it to thicken fruit filling for crisps. I prefer it over corn starch for stability. The other items were turkey breast and stew beef. None anywhere in the meat section. Odd. Those will get pushed to the next grocery list, I suppose. 

As the waiting continues, whether for grocery items or world affairs, I still am working to find the positives around me. Finding some items today helped me see small victories and joys in the day -- things to be thankful for. <smile>. The chorus of a song says much of how I've been feeling this week. The lyrics definitely present much of what has been happening over the past four days. Hang in there everyone. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

The Waiting -- Tom Petty

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