Sunday, 29 November 2020

Day 7 - 334 -- Darkness Upon Us

 Sunny Sunday morning. Clouds moved in by later afternoon so much so that the clouds brought full on twilight earlier than expected. At this time of year, darkness creeps into our days slowly. Before we know it, the sun sets before we can get out for that afternoon walk. Heading home at the end of a work day occurs in the darkness. At times, if feels as if we should be heading off to bed, when it is only time to start supper preparation. <smile> I find myself thinking of heading to bed earlier than usual. Yet, I fight to keep the established schedule. Thankfully, electricity provides lights and even entertainment. Television researchers who looked at this medium in anthropological terms noted that the stories told on the flickering screen were similar to oral societies sharing stories and wisdom around a fire. What wisdom or stories have you found broad- or narrow-cast on this medium? There are many. If we look below the surface, many involve classic legends told across cultures. Rather than vegging out while streaming a full season in a single day, take the time to look closer at the stories. Some may bring surprise. We'll get address the intricacies of sociological underpinnings of stories told on another day <smile>. 

The darkness of the colder season can become oppressive. Culturally, darkness is a metaphor for things scary, cold and several other negative concepts. We are on the downhill side of the growing darkness with about three weeks left before the days begin lengthening. So there is a light at the end of the season <smile>. When the darkness becomes overbearing, dancing can help bring back a smile. Lyrics of the song for today note this -- at least on the surface. They may mean something very different, too <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Dance the Night Away -- Van Halen

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