Temperatures rose a bit today but clouds remained. I spent much of the day working on the submission of a research manuscript for publication. Once the process was finally completed, I realized I'd left out one needed declaration. I don't seem to be able to access the files to alter just the one, so fear I may have to delete the whole thing and start the submission process anew. It took about an hour once I'd gotten all the files ready -- well not all ready, obviously. Redoing this will not be onerous, just pick and somewhat tedious. <sigh>
For supper I made a batch of sweet and sour sauce that I served over meatballs. The rest will go to the deep freeze to be used in the days to come. This recipe was from a friend. It uses cranberry sauce and tomato juice as a base. It is really yummy and I'd not have guessed it was cranberry based when I first ate it. Very, very yummy. As I was dishing up supper, the door bell rang. It was another friend dropping of a lovely smaller pumpkin and a big bag of apples. I plan to roast the pumpkin and freeze it in batches for use in soup, muffins and curry. The apples are destined for spiced applesauce. I've been out of this for some time, so replenishing that shouce will give me something fun to put on pancakes, French toast or gingerbread cake.
It was a great day with a food focus. Cooking can be very cathartic. I do enjoy it. All of the items today were linked to friends -- something that brought smiles and happy thoughts. Even the research paper was about food choice behaviours and written with a friend and research colleague. Not only will I be cooking recipes for cooler days, but the friend-related recipes and ingredients feel like a major bonus -- a windfall of sorts.
The thoughts today brought a few songs to mind, but one rose to the top. The version shared involves many artists that help each other to perform a great rendition of the song. Watch for many familiar faces beyond the two main artists. Stay safe. Enjoy!
I Get by with a Little Help from my Friends -- Ringo Star and Paul McCartney et al.
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