Friday, 17 January 2014

Day 17 -- Pulp fiction?

We've made it to the end of week two of the winter term.  Work went reasonably well and I was able to dig through the archive pile on my desk from the past week and a bit. Finally, I got a number of things off the desk and was able to celebrate the end of week 2 with a colleague at a local restaurant -- great food, nice wine and great conversation!

Early in the day, a media call arrived, leading to a fun event for the day. CBC Main Street taped an interview asking me what could be done with the pulp left over in a juicer and what nutritional value was being sent to the composter.  The intro was fun and they called this segment 'pulp fiction' and talked with a new convert to juicers, a juicer veteran and me for the nutritionist viewpoint.  It came together well and they edited my piece well, too.

From the media interview today, I thought of a wonderful musical movie scene to share today. We're all off to Jack Rabbit Slim's.  Enjoy!

You never can tell -- Chuck Berry (from Pulp Fiction)

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