Sunday, 3 July 2016

Day 3 - 185 -- Land of Living Skies

Earlier today I listened to a song that I haven't heard for a while. I have thought of it often, but usually not when close to a listening post. It reminded me that I often say "I can't see" here in in Nova Scotia. There are so many trees and hills that I can't see the weather coming -- something I could see for most of my life. The Saskatchewan province motto is "land of living skies." It isn't that other terrains and cities are unattractive to me -- I love to visit many places, but can feel claustrophobic in many of them. Cities and other areas can lead to sensory overload. Perhaps having a bigger horizon and sky would make these other places more comfortable for me.

I love being able to stand on a bluff and look off across the terrain to see well over 50 miles -- without binoculars <smile> -- this is due to the dry air and low horizon of the prairies. In art classes, I've been told that landscapes should be 1/3 land and 2/3 sky. Where I grew up this was closer to 1/4 land and 3/4 sky. Many people who aren't from the prairies feel that there is nothing to see but flat land in all directions. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is a roll to the prairie land with several hill ranges -- the Missouri Coteau, Cypress Hills, Qu'Appelle valley, and Frenchman River valley among others -- that show up as hazy blue on the horizon or suddenly appear as you drive into an amazing valley. In between the major valleys are coulees filled with wildlife and local flora. Wow -- I so miss these areas.

The song today is by a Saskatchewan songstress and describes the feelings that I have often. It is comforting to know that others experience the same longings. Enjoy!

Where the skies are bigger (than anywhere else) -- Connie Kaldor

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