Friday, 15 July 2016

Day 3 - 197 -- Weather Pattern Changes

The day began cloudy and grey, with no rain to speak of throughout the morning. It was warm, but the wind made it feel cooler and pleasant. The humidity climbed into the afternoon and it all broke loose as the clouds left and the blazing sun hiked the temperature to 29-30C. By the end of the work day, it was sweltering as I walked to the car. Reported 'feel like' temperature was closer to 35C or more.  The house has been getting warmer as the sun set.  The wind that had been the saving grace this afternoon has stopped so even opening windows won't help. The heat of summer is upon us.

I've said that moderate temperatures suit me best, so today has been difficult to handle. The forecast shows similar weather for the coming 3 to 4 days, with very little overnight cooling. Just experiencing the heat in the house right now and knowing that it isn't going to change and will likely get worse, makes me feel a bit cranky. Sleeping, eating and daily activities become so much more difficult when surrounded by hot, wet air. Dehumidifiers help somewhat, but the motors throw more heat into the air as they remove the moisture. It becomes a trade-off. There are plans for jack hammering down the hall from my office, so even going there for a bit to cool off while working this weekend, will not be pleasant. So -- I'm trying to find something positive in this weather and I admit to being a bit blocked. Perhaps I'll think of something as I continue to live with it. <smile>

The song line that ran through my head this afternoon is the title of the selection shared here today. It deals with heat through a number of metaphors. I'm dipping into the music of the '80s again this week. Enjoy!

The Heat is On -- Glenn Frey

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