Stormy days often leave me at loose ends, since they interfere with a number of things I might wish to do. Coming from the prairies, I've grown up knowing that lightning can follow water and telephone lines. I expect using a cell phone would be less of an issue than a land line, though. Storms that occur overnight seem less disruptive since we are sleeping. To be honest, thunderstorms happened so regularly in the night in Saskatchewan, that I often slept through them, only hearing of them at work the next day when someone would ask, "Did you hear that storm last night?" It obviously had disrupted their sleep. When such storms fill afternoons and evenings (and here two days in a row) much activity is impaired. It is likely that I find this more disruptive since electrical storms are less common in the maritimes, At least the skies are dark and foreboding so that people have some advance warning if in the midst of outdoor activities in the trees. The storms are lovely to watch from a distance if one is in a safe area.
I thought of a calming song for today that fits with our disruptive weather. Enjoy!
Stormy Sky -- The Kinks
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