Friday, 29 July 2016

Day 3 - 211 -- Ordinariness

Mundane -- the word of the day.  The day was filled with commonplace activities. Most places involved wait times. I left one of them when after over 15 minutes, no new people had been called to the desk. While waiting, I enjoyed the cooler air conditioned temperatures, though in one place the temperature was far too cold (I find that difficult to type or think during this wicked heat wave <smile>). I spent some time at the mall, looking for a hardware item that will now require further visits to other stores.  I chatted with two people I hadn't seen for a few years, which made me smile. I had a phone conversation with the cable help desk to determine the issue with the snowy picture. A repair visit was booked, but later in the day the picture had cleared. That leaves a freer afternoon tomorrow <smile>. The day ended with a quick trip into the office to copy files that I thought I'd done a couple of weeks ago. It was a quiet visit being early evening on a Friday of a long weekend <smile>.

Having a day like today is pleasant. They are few and far between in academia -- days when one can do the simple things without feeling stressed by the wait times <smile>. Such days bring a sense of accomplishment and calm after knocking several items off a 'need to do' list. I feel today set the tone for a great long weekend.

The title and lyric of a song from the '90s settled in my mind to describe my day. It is another from an Atlantic Canadian band. Love the video here of when they were young and new <smile>. That's when I first saw them at a campus pub when doing my doctorate. Enjoy!

Ordinary Day -- Great Big Sea

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