Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Day 3 - 201 -- Unexpected Occurrences

What a day! It began with confrontation -- not my favourite thing. Our offices are in the midst of three separate construction work projects. Today there were four work crews -- three in our hallway with power tools and one with heavy equipment outside the windows. The indoor group seemed to be yelling at each other using colourful phrases. Now I'm not a prude and have used most words with the exception of a couple. But, if I'm on the phone or meeting with a prospective student and their parents, this sort of thing won't fly. Then, they turned on loud music and had to yell louder to be heard over it all. Things did come to a point when they needed to be told that this was inappropriate in our workplace. I didn't do this as well as I should have, but felt they have to work here as do we, so we need to have a respectful workplace for all. When I got home, the yard work done today mowed down the wild strawberries -- again -- after lengthy conversations to the contrary. The irises that I'd planted have looked like they've been nibbled by some little rodent critter. Turns out that the damage is due to a gas power trimmer -- why anyone would see 6 inch leaves that appear to be in a straight row about 3-4 inches apart and think they were weeds is beyond me.

Each of these episodes made me feel upset. I'll have to speak to the yard care guy and hopefully I'll be less angry by then. The day seemed overtaken by my reaction to these negative situations. It took a while before I could get myself out of that circular thinking and begin to find some positives in the day. The day lilies in the front yard have flower spikes and two blooms so far -- the first time in six or more years. Lovely. The weather seemed less humid than the past few days and the temperature was a bit lower than expected. The moon is big, bright and gorgeous shining though the trees. In a more material sense, I received one of my favourite food magazines -- something I plan to browse before bed tonight. So -- not a complete write-off today, but feeling on edge was distressing at best.

A phrase ran through my mind today and then I realized that there was a song with a similar title. It is performed by a stellar singer-songwriter and guitarist. Enjoy!

All Things Must Pass -- George Harrison

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