Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Day 7 - 1 -- Holding Hope

Today our Gregorian calendar marks the beginning of another year. Many see this as a time of new beginnings. I'd prefer to see it as 366 days to continue with the work and successes we are in the midst of at the present. There will be new beginnings, but much of the heavy lifting we've been doing should be carefully transferred -- seamlessly if possible -- into this new year. After all, this artificial construction of marking time is just that -- an arbitrary point from which to count our journeys around the sun. And there  will be two more such points in time in January alone.

This blog will head into year 7 to continue the learning in progress and to explore new experiences that life presents. The hope is that a new year will bring something better than the past year. While there have been some untenable woes, there have been some fantastic positives. Finding the balance can be extremely challenging some years. I have found this blog to be a wonderful creative outlet to help process the emotions and ideas life presents along the journey. Learning more about myself and the world around me comes from a place of hope. I'd like to share two quotations from a playwright and a poet that deal with the idea of hope.

"Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come,
Whispering, "It will be happier."
                            Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Act I, Scene III, The Outlawry)

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all."
                            Emily Dickinson (from poem "Hope" is a Thing with Feathers)

Lyrics from the song chosen today deal with hope. The title seems a bit redundant to me, since hope generally deals with a future timepoint <smile>. I'll give that one to the songwriter, given that he is one of the true greats of my generation. Enjoy!

Hope for the Future -- Paul McCartney

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