Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Day 64 -- Need for Control

It is Wednesday and this week is just shaping up in a less than stellar way <smile>. I got some of the work needed done today, but deadlines I'd set for myself will need to be pushed into next week. Also, when I went to the deep freeze for supper fixings, I found "water" on the floor again and unmentionable things in the bathtub. The sewer backed into the basement again between midnight last night and 4 PM this afternoon. I'm at the point where I just don't even need to deal with this all again.

So -- these events have made me feel frustrated and increased my need to control things. Of course this isn't possible as most of the items in play are outside my ability to control or fix in any way. That is where the frustration arises -- that uncomfortable feeling that one is not in control of even basic areas of one's life. The feeling will pass with time, but in the meantime there is a need to deal with the anxiety, frustration, mild anger, and needing to hide from it all. This is an overwhelming mixture for certain <smile>.

On the up side, there was sun today with little wind, so walking was cold, but not too nasty. Tomorrow is to be colder than usual for this time of year, yet a bit warmer than today.  The car may just be a combination of a battery issue and the very cold weather we have had the past few mornings. It did start when I came home in the afternoon and temperature was warmer than it had been this morning. We'll see on Friday when it is to be warmer in the morning than recent days

The selection for today speaks to the current over-zealous need to control the world around me and is by a band with a name that suits the frustration reaction today. <smile> Enjoy!

Everybody wants to rule the world -- Tears for Fears

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