Monday, 10 March 2014

Day 69 -- another Monday past

When I looked at the calendar this morning, I found that there are only three more Mondays with early classes this term. That means 4 weeks left (counting today and this week) before classes end. One-third of the time allotted for a 3-credit course and yet it feels as if there is more content than that to cover. Perhaps I love this area of science so much that there will always be more cool content to talk about than course hours in which to do that talking. <smile>. I know I can talk a lot about things that are exciting to me and I've always hoped this helped someone find a topic that they find intriguing and exciting.

The day was sunny but cool with several pieces of good news shared throughout the day. I heard some great news from a research colleague and two thoughtful messages from friends. Several students had happy news about plans for summer and the coming year. I recall being in their place -- a 3rd or 4th year student wondering about summer jobs and further professional training opportunities. It is wonderful to watch that process each year. Their enthusiasm and excitement seems almost infectious. I envy them that feeling of the newness of it all <smile>.

So -- one academic year moves towards its close while new opportunities open up ahead.

Today's selection seemed perfect to illustrate this concept. It is sung by a favourite musical artist. Enjoy!

The Circle of Life -- Elton John

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